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Subject: SchNEWS 502/3, Friday 17th June, 2005
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 03:39:19 +0100

M74 to be shelved until 2007


The proposed M74 monster motorway to be built through the middle of Glasgow is to be shelved until 2007. The news came on the same day the Cre8 Summit started, a week of events taking place on land in the path of the road, against the road and the G8 summit. This comes after JAM74 and Friends Of Earth began an appeal against the Scottish Exective's decision to go ahead with the road despite the fact that an inquiry came out at the same time which said 'don't build it'. The ensuing court case has meant that contracts to build the road can't be awarded until 2007 and hopefully never.

(For more see SchNEWS 501)

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