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From: From: MSN Groups
To: save our trees -
Subject: This week in save our trees
Date: Sun, 27 Mar 2005 03:22:06 -0800
Weekly Report of save our trees
Developers in new push
Developers are making a renewed push to build on a patch of land which has been repeatedly saved by campaigners. Residents near the green field site in Carline Road, Lincoln, have argued that building on it would mean a loss of a unique green field site and a fantastic view across the city. Developers have held off a number of times but now consultation with a view to formulating a new plan has begun.
In April 2003 residents won a two year campaign to fight off a plan for 16 flats and 6 houses on this green field site that has never been built on. Plans to build 20 houses on it were submitted in October last year. They met with further objections and were withdrawn by the developer. Further controversy arose at the site in November when workmen started removimg trees and protesters staged a tree top protest to save them.
Lincoln planning consultants Lichfield Planning have been brought on board by the developers Manorcrest Homes. They now need your views. You can e-mail your views to -
- and tell him this site needs protecting.
regards, Carline Road
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