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To: roadalert
Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2004 3:54 PM
Subject: [] Sherwood Forest Camp on High Eviction Alert
Sherwood Forest Camp on High Eviction Alert - December 2004
The Sherwood Forest protest camp at Mansfield Woodhouse, Nottinghamshire is on high eviction Alert after having been issued new Papers earlier this week, Balifs and unmarked security vans are now patrolling the area and equipment is being delived to site.
According to people on site they could be evicted within the week, or by Christmas. There is lots of activity and it desperately needs help in preparations and to have people on site, as once the cordon goes up you won't get in. So get on camp as soon as possible.
If you are not on the phone tree call the SUMAC centre on 0845 4589595 or the site 07800 501248
[the above comes from UK Indymedia]
[another site contact no (30 Nov 04) - 07891 986 208]
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