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From: CarlineRoad
Subject: street trees saved!
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:26:55 -0800
Carline Developer's application refused (Nov 2004)
Lincoln city Council have refused the application 2004/0856/f. this was after much pressure and e-mails regarding the loss of the 8 street trees. many thanks to all .
the r.a.t.s group( residents of alexandra terrace). occupied a private meeting between the developer and city councillors. the council gave in and residents stayed and watched as the developer gave the development control committe a one hour presentation. this presentation was on no committee agenda, residents were not invited and the press and public asked to leave it was all done by word of mouth. (open government?) this application is not over yet as the developer withdrew the plans so no determination in law. any restrictions would have been binding. but a victory non the less many thanks to the thousands who e-mailed with support etc.
From: CarlineRoad
Subject: west hill house, carline road .trees destroyed!
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 2004 15:34:28 -0800
West Hill House, Carline Road - Trees Destroyed!
developers destroyed 11 trees in the carline conservation area the developer did not have permission the plans submited and on view to the public, stated that the trees were to be retained furious city residets occupied the trees. see web page 1 for more details voice your concern to with regard to the loss of 11 trees in a conservation area planning ref 2003/0846/f land adjoining west hill house.
road protests 2004
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