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Date: Fri, 06 Feb 2004 17:26:37 +0000
Subject: Arundel
Tortington Common and Arundel Town Council
From: "Protect Our Woodland!"
Dear friends,
As you may well know, apart from the ancient woodland around Titnore lane Durrington, we are also concerned with the protection of the ancient woodland at Tortington Common and Binstead. It is therefore a relief to know that the Countryside Agency - see below - have published a Variation Order to include much of that land within the South Downs National Park.
However, due to the serious development pressure there is on this precious area, and that Arundel Town Council are to object to the Variation Order, it is very important that all of us write to support the CA over their inclusion of Tortington Common and more of the water meadows south of Arundel (which will be the result of this Variation Order) but we should object to the boundary not going far enough south of Arundel.
We would prefer that the modified Boundary be drawn from Crossbush on the A27 to the east of Arundel, down the A284 to Lyminster, then westward across to follow the Southcoast railway line to west of Ford Station. It should then proceed north to include Binstead Village then join the published Boundary at the A27.
If it's helpful there's a map at: - although not 100% accurate it gives a better idea of the area we should like to see included.
Best wishes
PS. The address to write to is -
DEFRA, South Downs National Park
Secretariat, 4/06 Kite Wing, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN
fax - 0117 372 6241
e-mail -
PPS. It would be most helpful if you could forward this mail on to others who might be interested in helping.
NEWS RELEASE - Monday 26 January 2004
The Countryside Agency today published a Variation Order to include land south of Arundel within the South Downs National Park, following a decision made about the boundary by the Agency Board last December.
Publication of the Variation Order means that it is available for the public to view at local authority offices from Monday 2nd February until Monday 1st March 2004. People can then make representations or objections to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The public notices relating to the Variation Order are being advertised widely in the local and national press, so that people will know which offices they can go to, to see the order and the maps. They will also be available on the Countryside Agency's website from Monday 2nd February.
The Countryside Agency believes that the area of land involved should be included within the National Park because it is of high landscape quality and provides an outstanding setting for the town which is of national importance. It was excluded previously because the Arundel bypass was recommended to go through this area of land. However, the Secretary of State for Transport (Alastair Darling MP) announced in July 2003 that he did not support these recommendations and has asked for further work to be
undertaken. The timing of the order means that any objections could be heard at the current South Downs National Park Inquiry and the Inspector could then make a recommendation on the boundary around Arundel based on hearing all the arguments and in the light of any additional work completed by the Highways Agency.
Further media information from -
John Rennie, Countryside Agency PR adviser, tel - 07976 666969
David Thompson, Senior Countryside Officer for the Countryside Agency, tel - 07900 608208
Notes to editors -
1. On November 14 2002, the Countryside Agency Board agreed the designated boundary for a South Downs National Park. The decision to make this Variation Order was made at the December 2003 meeting of the Agency's Board. By making the order now, any objections to it are likely to be heard at the end of the current public inquiry into the National Park being held in Worthing. This means that the Inspector will be able to make an
informed decision, as by then the Highways Agency will have reported back to the
Secretary of State for Transport with their recommendations for less damaging options for the Arundel area.
2. The Countryside Agency is the statutory body working to make life better for people in the countryside and to improve the quality of the countryside for everyone. The Variation Order will be on the Agency's website at
3. There are currently 8 National Parks and 37 Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty in England. National Parks are designated under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 for the twin purposes of preserving and enhancing their natural beauty and of promoting their enjoyment by the public. In 1995 Parliament added that NPAs should take account of the economic and social needs of local communities. The Environment Act 1995 revised the main purposes to: conserving and enhancing the natural
beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the National Parks; and promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of their special qualities by the public. National Park Authorities are currently funded at 75% of approved expenditure from central government, with 25% coming via local authorities, which are compensated for this by central government. Members are appointed by local authorities, from parish councils and by the Secretary of State.
road protests 2004
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