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Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 19:00:13 -0000
Subject: News from Nine Ladies 25/1/2004

news from Nine Ladies - 25th January 2004

article from

Stancliffe Stone who intend to open the quarries, want the stone to build a shopping mall and a church in America. They also have plans to open another 70 sites for quarrying. The eviction will cost millions (literally). There are specialist climbers and tunnellers who will work with the bailiffs and police to evict the protesters. If the eviction is successful, people intend to go to another site under threat and continue to fight against Stancliffe Stone. The mobile number for the site has been barred! Hopefully, there will be another number soon.

Some things are needed urgently -

* Wood (beams, planks, plyboard, nails)
* Scaffolding and clips, steel girders and sheet (plus bolts)
* Concrete and reinforcing bar
* Polyprop Rope (12, 10, 5mm)
* Tarpaulin
* Climbing stuff-harnesses, clips, ropes (Static especially welcome)
* General woodworking and metal tools
* Shovels, pickaxes, wheelbarrows
* Bowsaws, Axes
* Food (beer is good also - its cold and muddy out there!!)
* Small packets of high energy food (dried fruit, chocolate, nuts - stuff like that is good for taking down a tunnel)
* Outdoor clothing
* Blankets
* First Aid equipment
* People who can charge car batteries
* Walkie talkies / intercoms
* Firelighters

people who need telling

The PDNPA - tell them why you are opposed to the development
tel - 01629 816200
fax - 01629 816310
email -

Secretary of State for the Environment and The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister - to say that PDNPA should be given assistance in revoking the quarrying consent, as this is a national heritage and environment issue -

Ms Margaret Beckett, Secretary of State for the Environment,
DEFRA, Nobel House, 17 Smith Square, LONDON SW1P 3JR

Office of the Deputy Prime Minister,
26 Whitehall, LONDON SW1A 2WH
tel - 0207 944400

Haddon Hall - to ask them to consider if they really need the money at such a huge environmental and cultural cost and to consider surrendering the consent

Lord Edward Manners,
The Estate Office, Haddon Hall, Bakewell, Derbyshire DE45 1LA
tel - 01629 812855
fax - 01629 653996

Stancliffe Stone - register your disgust -

Stancliffe Stone Co Ltd
Grangemill, Matlock, Derbyshire DE4 4BW
tel - 01629 653859
fax - 01629 653996
email -

Marshalls - tell them what you think of their arrogance in using legal doublespeak to further their aims and tell them -

Marshalls PLC,
Hall Ings, Sothowram, Halifax HX3 9TW
tel - 01422 306400
fax - 01422 306407
website -

And if you can, GET TO NINE LADIES - visit and take some stuff - stay if you can

info from Road Alert

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