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Date: Thu, 24 Jul 2003 18:58:33 +0100
Subject: titnore
Titnore again - revised Durrington Development Brief
The Titnore issue is back centre stage.
It is revealed in this weeks Herald (page 5) that the Council are seeking views on the revised Durrington Development Brief. Exhibitions are being held from July 28th to October 24th at Portland house and in September at Durrington Community Centre. Comments are being invited to be received by October 24th.
This is quite a long period so they know they've got a fight on their hands!
The latest situation and ways to oppose this scheme will be discussed at the next worthing eco-action meeting -
Tuesday August 5th, 2003 - 7.45pm
upstairs at The Downview, opp West Worthing station
road protests 2003
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