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Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:45:10 +0100
Subject: SchNEWS 411/412, Friday 20th June, 2003


10 years ago Twyford Down in Hampshire became the battleground that spawned the anti-roads movement. The extension of the M3 through Twyford was eventually built but as some sort of compensation former Tory Transport Minister Malcom Rifkind promised that the old Winchester by-pass would be allowed to return to fields. This area now supports over 200 flowering plant species, is easily accessible, particularly to children and people with limited mobility, and is well used by the local community. But now Neo-Labour has given permission for Hampshire County Council to redevelop part of the land for a park and ride. Attempts to fight this proposal in court have so far been unsuccessful, a footpath across the land is due to close on 23 June, and work on the car park needs to start by October otherwise planning permission lapses.

A meeting is being held at the site on Sunday (22nd June) from 11am to 1pm to discuss what else might be done. It's off Bar End Road, (an extension of Chesil Street) about a mile and half from the railway station. Call Keith Story on 01962 854 880 if you need a lift. Or, leave the M3 at junction 10 and head for St Catherine's park and ride site, which is next to the proposed new site.

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