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Date: Thu, 13 Mar 2003 19:58:20 +0000
Subject: Porkbolter, March 2003
Titnore Woods cautions lifted
SUPERB news from the Titnore campaign. The two remaining people arrested on the May 26 demo have had their cautions lifted, after involving lawyers. Following the dramatic collapse of a woman's prosecution because of video evidence disproving police claims, this means all three so-called 'troublemakers' have had their names cleared!
Meanwhile, no new planning application had been submitted as we went to press. But the developers' consortium are trying to use smarmy PR firm Green Issues to confuse public opinion by presenting the argument as a choice of 'options' around the exact form of their massive money-making 900-home estate. There is only one option as far as we can see, and that is for them to take their greedy porkin' hands off our countryside!
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road protests 2003
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