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Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 18:31:21 +0000
Subject: Porkbolter, Yule 2002/3
police perjury revealed - Titnore Woods assault case fails
THE case against a Titnore Woods protester was thrown out of Worthing Magistrates Court when police were caught out telling lies. In a sensational move on Monday November 11, the Crown Prosecution Service offered no further evidence against a local woman, Carol, facing a charge of assaulting a policeman. The incident in question happened at the end of the big demo against the proposed Titnore Lane housing and roads development attended by 350 adults and children on Sunday May 26. Police "evidence gatherer" PC Ashley Sayers, CS049, claimed he was knocked to the floor by a force from behind, causing his video camera to strike the ground. This fabricated version of events was supported whole-heartedly in the witness statements made by WPC DW070 Waters, who claimed that Carol lunged at PC Sayers' back, hitting him with her full body weight. WPC Waters claimed that when down on the floor with her, Carol struggled and that the WPC was in fear of what Carol was going to do.
These officers' lies were supported by statements from fellow officers PC CG217 Gee and PC CV080 Vickers. Fortunately for Carol and the administration of justice, what really happened was caught on video by a member of the public who was extremely concerned about the aggressive behaviour of PC Sayers throughout the peaceful family march. The defence video, which was not served prior to the trial because of fear that the police would alter their evidence, clearly showed the unlawful arrest of Carol's son and the fact that she was in fact barged - assaulted - by PC Sayers, with his full body weight, which must be quite substantial. After the video was put to PC Sayers during his cross examination by counsel Pam Rose, the prosecution asked for a break in proceedings and, it would seem, fearing further officers committing perjury, offered no evidence.
Said Carol's solicitor, Teresa Blades of Kelly's in Brighton: "The concerns which arise from this case are that but for the video evidence taken by the member of the public, who did not know Carol prior to this incident, there was a high risk that Carol would have been convicted. The starting point for assaulting police is a custodial sentence. Sadly, even when police officers lie, our courts often believe them. Also of concern is the arrogance of PC Sayers. Although warned not to discuss the case with his fellow officers who were waiting to give evidence, he went straight to the witness room. If defence counsel had had her way, his mobile phone would have been taken off him. Thank you to everyone who witnessed this incident and came forward. Thankfully the police are
not the only ones with evidence gatherers!" Note: Not a word of this important and shocking case was mentioned in any of the mainstream local papers. Why not write and ask them why?
can't see the woods for spin
CONFUSION reigns over the highly controversial plans to build all over Titnore Woods. On the plus side, the Countryside Agency has included an area it calls 'Titnore Woods' within its planned South Downs National Park, which could protect some of the ancient woodland and green fields.
However, a spokesman for POW! ( warned: "We still have a battle on our hands to prevent developers trashing the rest of this unique area - even if eventually a National Park is approved."
Meanwhile, developers Persimmon Homes are acting as if they have already got permission for their Titnore development. As far as anyone knows they haven't even resubmitted their outline application, but they still gave the impression in the Worthing Herald's property section (November 20) that they were all set to build 875 new homes, even claiming "the first homes are currently anticipated to be ready for occupation by
mid/late 2004." We'll see about that!
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