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General Kadish to visit Fylingdales 20th November 2002


Date: Tue, 19 Nov 2002 16:23:47 EST
Subject: Fylingdales Star Peace Camp


The Fylingdales Star Peace Camp has been served with 'Notice to Quit' with immediate effect. What now? Suspicious coincidence with Lt Gen Kadish's visit to the base tomorrow?

Anne xx


Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 15:08:33 EST
Subject: Fylingdales: General Kadish visit:

URGENT ACTION!!!! Please pass round your networks as soon as possible!

Yorkshire CND and Fylingdales Action Network are holding a demo at 12.30pm at the main entrance to Fylingdales next Wednesday (20th) to meet General Kadish - head of the Missile Defence Agency, who is visiting the base. This is a major development in UK moves to involve Fylingdales and Menwith Hill in missile defence.

Yorkshire CND are hiring a minibus from Bradford/Leeds.
If you would like a place, please contact us AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
If you can make it or want more information, please contact Neil Kingsnorth on 01274 730795 or 07818 411823.

This is a very important visit, receiving national press coverage.
Let's be there in force to show him what we think of missile defence!

Yorkshire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
tel - 01274 730795     fax - 01274 414413
22 Edmund Street, Bradford, BD5 0BH
Working for a nuclear-free world

To join Yorkshire CND, learn about our current campaigns and find out more about the issues, visit our website at

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