road protests 2002
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from Road Alert
Twyford Down 10th Anniversary Weekend - (also Rio+10)
a celebration of the last 10 years of direct action
Remember, Rejoice, Resist! - 8th-9th December, St Catherines Hill, Winchester
Camping in December - bring what you expect to find
"Twas on this day battle begun,
We have fought many since, and some we won.
Lest we forget Yellow Wednesday we celebrate
10 years have we grown with our fight,
To expose the wrongs of corporate shite.
Now one and all to St Caths come,
And dream a way for our war for the World to be won."
update - 4 Dec 02
Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2002 03:28:32 -0000
Subject: (Fwd) pls.fwd: this weekend's resistance gathering: Twyford + 10
Twyford + 10
This weekend is not a reunion. This weekend is not a conference. What we hope it will be is a gathering of anyone who has been involved in grassroots resistance and direct action in the last ten years.
A place to compare babies and beerbellies, a place to celebrate our dissent past and future.
Personally we would rather be somewhere warm, but Yellow Wednesday (the first major eviction of an anti-road protest camp) happened midwinter and some of us felt we wanted to mark this day, and in light of the government's new road building programme, there is stuff to be discussed and acted upon.
Come prepared to camp on St. Catherine's Hill, near Winchester, Hampshire
Saturday 7th-Monday 9th December
We're back, Re-awaken the Dragon, You can't Kill the Spirit, etc etc...
Directions: from the M3 Junction 10 (Northbound exit only - so if you are travelling southbound go to Junction 11 and turn round), take the first turning to the left from the roundabout, signposted St. Cross. Go down the hill for a quarter of a mile and under an old brick railway bridge. There is a car park immediately after on your left. A footpath leads back under the railway and up the hill. By train/coach to Winchester, ask directions for St.Catherine's Hill, or to car park as above and then on. If you're lucky, you'll be directed via the river.
Map at:,193
road protests 2002
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