road protests 2002
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Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 13:44:42 EST
Subject: Menwith Hill: Women's events Dec 12th / 13th
NO War on Iraq - Close the Base
Menwith Hill Women's Peace protest
on the 20th anniversary of Embrace the Base at Greenham Common
Thursday 12th December - 10am till 4pm Embrace the Base
followed by Friday 13th December - Blockade the Base
Menwith Hill is the biggest US military spy base in the world and is central to US military operations, gathering and relaying military intelligence. It is being developed now, to play a role in USA's 'Star Wars The base won an award for its work in intercepting communications and providing strategic information during the Gulf War. It will play a critical role in a second war against Iraq.
With both the US and Britain continuing to threaten war against Iraq and to use nuclear weapons in such a war, this protest is to bring women together again against war and to celebrate and encourage the contribution that women make to the peace movement.
The protest is supported by CND and the Women's TUC Conference.
What you can do -
- encourage woman friends and family to attend
- if you are a member of a women's group, a trade or student union, get it to support and publicise the action and, if possible, organise transport to the protest
TRANSPORT FROM LONDON is available for 12th December
A coach is leaving Embankment tube at 7.30am and returning at approximately 9.00pm. Information about seat prices are available from Sophie. It is hoped to allow unwaged/student/pensioner women to travel free..
If you would like to book a place call Sophie on 07930 235 791
or e-mail and send a cheque, made payable to LRCND, to -
London Region CND, 162 Holloway Road, London N7 8DQ
road protests 2002
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