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Subject: SchNEWS 375, Friday 4th October, 2002
Date: Fri, 4 Oct 2002 01:14:39 +0100

Opposition to Trans Europe Network in Poland

Polish Top TEN

Missed out on Newbury? Well get over to Poland where the country is being inflicted with a huge road building programme inflicted upon it - and the environmental and social costs of being in 'Europe' mount up. The rail system which served the country for years is being starved of funds, and the tentacles of TEN are extending eastward. TEN - the Trans Europe Network - is the world's biggest transport project pushed by the transport and oil industry to help the movement of consumer goods across Europe, and is currently reaching the new frontiers of countries soon to join the EU like Poland. The Poles are bringing in new legislation which will enable roads to go ahead without environmental impact studies and force people in the road's path to sell at a price offered to them. As the motorway services, concrete ramps and truck parks spew forth over Poland, the average Pole had better think about getting a car and ditching public transport if they want to be like us in the EU club. So - if you're up for a bit of digger diving -


Bialowieza Forest, Poland - Europe's last primeval forest of high bio-diverstiy including bison, wolf, lynx, and much more is under threat from logging -

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