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Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2002 17:07:03 EDT
Subject: Re: Fylingdales Star Peace Camp - future?
People needed to keep Fylingdales Star Peace Camp going
The position with the Fylingdales Star Peace Camp is that we do not know how much longer we shall be able to continue it. There has been little reponse to an appeal for people to keep camp going.
Ulla Roder, well-known anti-Trident activist (e.g. the 'Loch Goil 3', etc) took the initiative, in May, to establish the camp and then set about trying to build the camp and the support.
A number of peace people have stayed on and off and there is good local practical support. The camp has generated a lot of publicity (including several regional TV features) and has been excellent promotion for Yorkshire CND's anti-Star Wars Campaign. The camp has received good will messages from peace campaigners in many different parts of the world,. There is no doubt that the US Space Command i/c Fylingdales, wants the camp abolished.
On July 31st, when Ulla left for trial at Newbury (Aldermaston fence-cutting) some Menwith Hill Women's Peace Campers agreed to 'camp sit' while she was away, anticipating her return within three or four days. Ulla was arrested at the end of the Newbury trial on warrants issued by Helensburgh Court (anti-Trident actions). She was flown from Heathrow to Scotland and is being held on remand in Cornton Vale Women's Prison, Stirling, FK9 5NU.
Ulla has now learned that she will have to face a Deportation Hearing at Edinburgh High Court, Thursday 22nd August.
Ulla's deportation would not be the end of the campaign to close Fylingdales!
Supporters intending to contribute to the Fylingdales Star Peace Camp funds could send their donations to WoMenwith Hill Women's Peace Camp[aign], P O Box 105, Harrogate HG3 2FE. Please make cheques payable to 'WoMenwith Hill'. (We have been acting as 'Banker' for the Fylingdales Camp) or to Yorkshire CND, 22 Edmund Street, Bradford BD5 0BH, to help with the huge costs of organising the International anti-Star Wars Conference in Sheffield on October 5th.
Best wishes, Anne
road protests 2002
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