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Date: Mon, 5 Aug 2002 11:01:33 EDT
Subject: Fylingdales: latest planning application
Fylingdales planning application - August 2002
Some of us suspect that the arrest and detention of Ulla at this time is a deliberate move to eliminate the Fylingdales Star Peace Camp. [see below for arrest details]
We are anticipating developments at the base. It appears that the NMD plans have been approved behind closed doors. The plans will be introduced in instalments to forestall public fuss and mass protest.
The base is currently undergoing major expansion of its security facilities. Next we expect piecemeal development of the infrastructure.
The current plan is for an extension to the Gymnasium for disabled changing facilities. Who would be so heartless as to object to this planning application? Me. Because if this proposed substantial building is intended for that purpose, then there must be lots of disabled US Space Command and RAF personnel on base! Lots. Many more than our local Special Needs School!
We can object on environmental grounds that this is a further structure which will impact on the Site of Special Scientific Interest. Disabled facilities must be provided already within the existing gymnasium building.
Developments in the National Park are permitted only if there is no alternative. Please send objections to -
Chief Planning Officer, North York Moors National Park Authority
At Menwith Hill recently there have been 18 planning applications for minor developments which come to a significant amount if they're considered together. They must think we're stupid if they think we can't see what is happening.
We are watching.
Kindest Regards, Anne
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 10:57:07 EDT
Subject: Ulla in nick: Fylingdales camp...
Ulla Roder arrested
We have heard from Ulla that she is expected to be held on remand until trial on September 20th. Currently the Menwith Hill Women are attempting to keep open the (mixed) Fylingdales Star Peace Camp. HELP!
Press Release from Trident Ploughshares - 2nd August 2002
Today, at Argyll and Bute District Court in Helensburgh, renowned Danish peace activist, Ulla Roder, was sent to Cornton Vale prison in Stirling after taking part in non-violent practical acts of people's disarmament with Trident Ploughshares.
Just as Trident Ploughshares begin their two week long international disarmament camp at the bases home to Britain's nuclear weapons of mass destruction on the Clyde, Ulla Roder who was famously acquitted at Greenock after the disarmament of a Trident related floating laboratory and who is renowned for swimming on to a Trident and painting "USELESS" on the side of it last April, is jailed. This time, she has been placed on remand in relation to a number of charges including cutting the base fences on separate occasions and attempting to swim out to the submarines again.
A spokesman for Trident Ploughshares explained, "Ulla has been jailed for simply exercising her right as an International citizen to uphold International law by attempting to take peaceful steps in trying to disarm Trident. I find it particularly upsetting that as thousands starve in Southern Africa from Famine, we continue to spend £1.5 billion on an illegal and totally immoral nuclear weapons system."
Yesterday, a further three peace activists were arrested for cutting the fence at the Royal Naval Armaments Depot at Coulport. Joss Garman from Mid Wales joined Karen Fallon and Stan Robinson of Faslane Peace Camp in another peaceful protest against these weapons.
Contacts -
David Mackenzie - 0870 458 3117 (07876593016)
Jane Tallents - 08454588367
Newsline (recorded) - 8454588365
road protests 2002
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