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Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 08:38:00 EDT
Subject: Fylingdales Star Peace Camp Newsletter
*** News from Fylingdales Star Peace Camp ***
Fylingdales Star Peace Camp has been established for two months, at Ellerbeck, down the hill to the east of the Base access road. I want to thank everybody who has helped to make it possible. Thank you for your practical and financial support and for your encouragement. Special thanks to those who have dared the rain, wind and midges to stay overnight and extra special thanks to the local supporters, who have kept the camp going.
We work closely with local networks. Fylingdales Action Network (FAN) (people who live under the 'shadow' of the pyramid) are consistently supportive. They organise water runs, material help, are there in emergency and keep our spirits high. Recently the Free Fylingdales Network (FFN) has offered support in the form of a website, Internet newsletter publication and a caravan (dare we face the winter?). The Women's Peace Camp at Menwith Hill has given support in every way.
Camp daily life -
The camp is now well established with banners surrounding the group of small tents and kitchen area. We have a shelter to protect us from the wind and rain - furnished with four bus seats. Indoor seating in the big frame tent means that meals can be midge-free; we can light it in the evenings and it is a working space sheltered from the wind and rain. Sav's campaign bus, plus activists, is a regular feature in the nearby parking space.
Information -
We have concentrated on putting out information. There has been good press coverage in local papers as well as in the Danish media. We have been featured on local radio; Tyne-Tees TV and the BBC have broadcast pictures. Most importantly - people have responded to these and visited the camp.
Sav collected 550 signatures on the Yorkshire CND 'Missile Disarmament not Missile Defence' petition. Leafleting in Whitby goes well; two out of three people we ask, agree to sign the petition. Many want more information.
Visitors -
There are daily visitors to camp, many of whom did not know previously about Fylingdales, its role in the US National Missile Defense programme or anything about the Peace Movement's campaigns.
Walks -
We have had a lot of walking exercise exploring the breathtakingly beautiful countryside surrounding the base. This is one of the loveliest and historically fascinating parts of the North York Moors National Park - which is desecrated visually, environmentally and archaeologically by the monstrous Fylingdales pyramid, golf-ball, loud diesel generators, factory-style buildings and razor-wire.
Exposure -
Peace campaigners spotted new security developments and knew that the Ministry of Defence did not have planning consent. We made it public. The MoD was forced to put in planning applications, which came before the North York Moors National Park Planning Committee on May 9th and July 11th. There were about 200 letters of protest. The MoD was heavily criticised by the Council. They say that these developments are to deter peace protests (which will result from the official announcement that Fylingdales will be used for Star Wars) and, since the events of September 11th, to counter 'terrorists'. They have got/are getting new razor-wire fences, police vehicle patrol tracks, electronic sliding gates, police control posts and CCTV cameras (which snoop on the countryside outside the base). The construction work will probably not restart before August, as the MoD has been ordered not to disturb ground-nesting birds between February and July. We have time to consider any actions which could impede the developments.
Protest -
The CND 'Party on the Moor' event on June 15th was very enjoyable thanks to the excellent organisation. There were good speakers and uplifting songs. Someone collected over £80 for camp. Thanks! A supporter from Rotherham promised, and later delivered, a frame tent for a communal indoor space. We hope that more people will show up and help the daily ongoing protest. Any kind of peaceful non-violent action is welcome.
Eviction -
The owners of the land, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, have now officially asked us to leave. Their next move is to obtain a Possession Order through the County Court. It will take some time.
There have been four arrests at the base since we arrived. One was for a minor fence cutting, which resulted in a 'Section 68' - not allowed at MoD land for 3 months. Another was taken to Whitby Police Station for fingerprinting, but there were no charges. Sue and Barbara were arrested for blockading the entrance to the base during the CND demonstration.
Camp Action Weekend -
We'd like to propose that the 1st weekend in the month is a camp action weekend. If you have any other suggestion or want to make an event, let us know.
Forthcoming events-
A stall is planned in Whitby in August and an event on 20th/21st September ('Peace One Day') information later. A 'Mass Trespass' is planned for August 24th ( info: On November 25th at York Crown Court: Olivia and Sylvia have a jury trial for 'going equipped to cause criminal damage'. (Two sweet grannies nearly succeeded in putting Fylingdales out of action).
Contact -
We much appreciate visits and people staying. We have had visitors from USA's Michiana Peace and Justice Commission, Australia's Anti-Bases Campaign, Denmark, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Italy and Norway.
Please contact us. Enquiries or messages can be sent via Jackie of FAN, 01947 896481. We now have a Postcode; you can write to us! Fylingdales Star Peace Camp, Outside Fylingdales US Space Command Base, Ellerbeck Bridge, N Yorks. YO22 5LX
Financial Appeal -
As I write this US Officials are discussing the implementation of their Missile Defence programme with European leaders. Boeing is dangling fat contracts. There is an imperative need to extend our activities and publish more information leaflets. To do this we have to ask for funds. Please make cheques payable to 'WoMenwith Hill Women's Peace Camp' (as we have not yet got our own bank account; the peacewomen will give us the cash.) and send to WoMenwith Hill Peace Camp, P O Box 105, Harrogate HG3 2FE.
Love and peace from Ulla Roder
Fylingdales Star Peace Camp, July 2002
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