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Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 13:39:36 +0100
Subject: Titnore Woods - message from POW!
Titnore Lane - possible inclusion in National Park?
Dear all,
I know many of you will already have seen the latest South Downs Campaign Newsletter (No 4), but just in case some missed it, I thought I'd pass on the Campaign's grateful thanks, to all those who sent in responses to the recent public consultation by the Countryside Agency on the boundary etc for the proposed National Park.
To those who say writing letters is a waste of time, think about this -
On the original draft boundary for the Park, Titnore Lane and all land to the east was excluded. However due to the flood of letters received recommending that the area be included, the Agency took note of the public concern there was over threatened development of the area and have indicated that if new material evidence comes forward the area could be included.
Basically what that means, is Worthing Borough Council have to put forward a technical case of reasons why the area should be included. Their announcement 11th July 2002 to recommend some land east of Titnore Lane be included is welcome, but our demand is for Titnore Lane itself and all the land inside the boarders of Titnore Way, Fulbeck Avenue, Adur Avenue and the A27 be recommended for inclusion.
It is now up to us to see the Council abide by our wishes. It is essential that councillors know you, the voter, want the WHOLE area included in the National Park.
Please, write, or better still go and see them (their names etc can be found at your library or by phoning the Town Hall (01903 239999). Tell them you're a constituent of theirs and how important it is that the area gets the protection that only the National Park can give, against developers and speculators.
This must be done before 16 August 2002 as this is when the local authority consultation period ends. On the 19 August 2002 the Countryside Agency will advertise the draft AONB revocation orders. There will then be 28 days for us, the public, to make any objections direct to the Agency.
Clearly if the Titnore Lane area isn't included, those objections will be made loud and direct.
Useful websites -
National Park Campaign -
Countryside Agency -
Worthing Borough Council -
Best wishes,
visit for all the latest news and info on Titnore Lane
road protests 2002
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