road protests 2002
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Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 00:10:27 +0100
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news part 2 - july 23rd
From: dan gorman -
Bilston Wood contact details - Road Protest near Edinburgh
A protest camp has been established in opposition to a bypass which will destroy much of Bilston Wood, an area of much ecological interest. The site is 8 miles south of Edinburgh near a village called Bilston. Easily accessible from Edinburgh, people are needed as well as equipment!
For more info see
Join the opposition to the road! Help the local campaign against the road. NAAG can be contacted at -
NAAG, Milton Bridge, Penicuik, EH26 ONX
Come up and join us help save the wood from another unneccesary road!
road protests 2002
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