road protests 2002
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Date: Fri, 07 Jun 2002 19:55:06 +0100
Subject: -ALLSORTS- dates for your diary
A701 protest walk - Gowkley Moss - Sunday 9th June 2002
Route walk against Midlothian Council's road-building on the A701
On behalf of A701 No Alignment Action Group (NAAG):
"Goodbye Midlothian, Hello Greater Edinburgh"
Meet 2pm at Bilston Woods entrance (second bus stop after Ikea on A701) - Walk the route from Bilston Woods to the Curling Pond (near the Countryside Inn)
Last Friday (31st May), Midlothian Council's road-builders marked out the site of a 100 metre roundabout at Gowkley Moss (between Edinburgh and Penicuik) on Green Belt and prime agricultural land. The construction of this massive roundabout - similar in size to Sheriffhall Roundabout on the Edinburgh City Bypass - was begun over the holiday weekend with land being churned up by the diggers on Tuesday 4th May.
The development will lead to future development in the Green Belt and threatens opportunities for the future construction of the rail line from Edinburgh to Penicuik.
NAAG believes that this project -
* Is a waste of scarce financial resources while other Council
services are being cut.
* Shows continuing priority for expenditure on road-building while
the Council's stated priority is for new rail infrastructure.
* Is a Trojan Horse for further development in the Green Belt.
* Contravenes Scottish Executive and DETR roundabout design guidelines.
road protests 2002
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