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Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 21:22:19 +0100
Subject: Titnore video footage on indymedia

Titnore Woods 26 May 2002 demo reports

Video footage and reports of Sunday's Titnore demo can be found on (scroll down the right hand column - there are two items posted Sunday pm). Meanwhile here is the email sent out by POW! -

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: A big thank you

Dear Friends,

The POW! campaign salutes you. Despite the wind and rain you came out in your hundreds to say No to the destruction of our Woodland. No to more urban sprawl. No to more traffic. You have sent a powerful message that no politician, developer or planner can ignore.

Finally I want to say the biggest thank you to all the children, they must have spent hours carefully making their animal banners and messages. You made one old fossil very happy to day.

With all best wishes,


PS. Please could you forward this message on to anyone you told about today?

PPS. To those who have received this mail via a friend. To receive campaign updates direct, please send your e-mail address to-

For the press release please click on -

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