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Subject: SchNEWS 352, Friday 3rd May, 2002
Date: Thu, 2 May 2002 23:10:02 +0100

Midland Expressway propaganda campaign starts for BNRR toll road

Steven Boffey has just landed himself one of the most environmentally destructive jobs in the West Midlands. Employed by Midland Expressway, the corporate crooks behind the new Birmingham Northern Relief Road (BNRR) (Britain's first toll road), his job is to encourage 100,000 drivers a day to use their brand new spanking road.

The catch is that they have to pay a toll for the privilege. The road will be built with private investment, and Boffey's job will be to ensure that his new bosses line their pockets whilst the local people continue to suffer from shit air quality. SchNEWS tried to contact Mr Boffey to discuss the benefits of his road over say the spaghetti junction, but he was unavailable, undoubtedly having a laugh at our expense. 'Cos with £400 million of tax payers money being spent on widening the M42 near the toll road, to cope with increased traffic, rather than on public transport, the locals aren't going to have any alternative other than to jump in their cars.

The BNRR 'M6 Toll experience' is due to open in 2004.
Contact Mr Boffey to discuss his job on 0845 6013611.

More info on opposition to the road at

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