road protests 2002
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Subject: Fw: CALL TO ACTION!!
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 11:07:13 +0100
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2002 10:48 AM
Weymouth pink castle GM protest
hear Ye, hear Ye
campaigners, climbers, pacifists, activists, performers, musicians, gardeners, organic farmers, permaculturists, tree climbers, tunnel diggers, drummers, environmentalists, cooks, builders, artists, jugglers, tree huggers, alt tech gurus, singers, dancers, media whores, photographers, journalists, video activists, parents, children, grand parents etc etc etc
You are all cordially invited to join a gathering of the good citizens of this country in a creative festival of resistance against the biotech threat.
In the early hours of the 25th April, a diverse group of determined individuals took possession of a pink castle located at the entrance to one of the fields in which the government hopes to plant GM maize this year. Equipped with lock-ons and much pinkness, we plan to stay in occupation long enough to prevent the planting.
We humbly request your assistance in our folly. Bring what you hope to find - sleeping tat, tents, eating utensils, warm clothes, food, banners, instruments, drums and good cheer.
(please do not bring alcohol)
The castle is located next to the Littlemoor Estate near Weymouth. You can contact us on one of our site mobiles.
Pass the word, forward this email to your friends and email lists.
For further details, try or site mobiles 07815 925214 or 07733 133280
or check out over the coming days.
road protests 2002
| road protests (current)
| movement links