road protests 2002
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Date: Wed, 27 Mar 2002 15:37:08 +0000
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news 27th March
From: lady tat
appeal from nine ladies for tat and people
hi, im a london based person who goes to 9 ladies about once a month . i did an appeal for stuff a few months ago and we ended up with a good clothes donation from a very nice man . i will be travelling up again in about a week . if you have any donations of stuff i can arrange a van to go , or as none of the bank accounts seem to work i could arrange to take money . also if you would like to help me arrange a benefit party in the future , let me know . people up there need to know how appreciated their efforts are
very few locals visit site... [snipped on request] ...its such a beautifull sacred and naturally vital site im amazed more people dont get involved . for instance the site has been without a main commmunal kitchen for months . it only takes a group of about 3 or 4 to go up and stay a week or so and do some work . for fucks sake stop only wetting your pants about the zapatistas and support you own land rights struggle !!!!!
yours in frustration and anger
road protests 2002
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