road protests 2002
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Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 22:28:52 +0000
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news on 14th Feb
From: "Peat Alert" -
Reclaim The Peat - Easter blockade Monday 25th - Thursday 28th March 2002
Four days of direct action at the Scotts Peat works, Hatfield Moor, near Doncaster
Once upon a time, far back in 1992, a young Earth First! caused £100,000 damage to machinery that was digging up peat on Thorne and Hatfield Moors (S. Yorkshire), an essential site of biodiversity in the unwild UK, and home to 25 endangered species. They didnt stop. But then neither did we.
Since then the campaign against peat has been somewhat quiet. But the last couple of years has seen an increase in day and night activity on the Moors, with regular occupations of the works, chatting to workers and minor criminal damage to the site as well as ditch - filling and dam building to upset the drainage neccesary before peat can be processed. The works are now owned by US multinational scum Scotts, who are also trying to get into the genetic modification field of work.... check out for info on who they are, where they live and why we hate them, And everything else you ever wanted to know about Peat and the Campaign. To top it all, we are now delighted to announce the audacious and ambitious.... Easter blockade 2002!
Although decades of peat extraction have severely degraded Hatfield Moor, if peat extraction is stopped now then some regeneration of the rare lowland bog habitat is possible. In a few years there will simply not be enough peat left to allow a diverse peat bog ecosystem to reestablish itself.
We want to target the Scotts Company in the run up to the Easter bank holiday weekend. This is the busiest time of year for the peat industry, and we hope that strong action at this time will severely affect their operations.
There will be a street party on the first day, Monday 25th, (a practice for the Queens Golden Jubilee!)... and all sorts of other actions are planned over
the following days.
Also there will be a base camp nearby, on a piece of squatted land, with some equipment for blockade style actions as well as food and places to sleep. But DO bring a tent if you have one! And the rest is up to you! Come prepared with equipment and ideas for action. Any groups who have so - more details will be publicised as the blockade draws nearer. Numbers of people as well as diversity and creativity of tactics are what is necessary for a successful blockade. Camping space and catering will be arranged.
Let's make it happen! Please let us know -
* if you want to be put in contact with other people in your area who will be going
* if you have something (skills, equipment etc.) you can offer
* if you are unused to direct action and unsure about what the blockade will entail
* if you want to be sent further information nearer the time
Also.. if you are part of a group and want someone to come and talk about the peat industry or the action or you can arrange a meeting in your area, we would really like to hear from you.
Donations are also DESPERATELY needed - please make cheques payable to peat alert.
for more info -
tel - 0113 2629365
email -
address - Peat Alert, CRC, 16 Sholebroke Avenue, Chapeltown, Leeds LS7 3HB
road protests 2002
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