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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:18:14 -0000
Subject: eLoombreaker 25 - January '01

[NOTE - above Subject: shd be "eLoombreaker 25 - January '02" - Weed]

Women against Menwith Hill - December 2001 protest report

Back in December 3 women from Manchester joined the protest at Menwith Hill US spy base in Yorkshire. There were about 50 people stood at the roadside with banners. The radical bunch that we are, we chose to stand in the road with a huge banner which read "truth = the first casualty of war". However, a patronising policeman soon ordered us to return to the pavement, this was our "first and final warning" - if we blocked the road again we'd be arrested.

After some time, we decided to go for a little wander around the perimeter fence of the base As we came to a field, straight away a very angry man on a squad bike drove at us from the other side of the field, glaring at us as we closed the gate behind us.

No chance or getting inside then. The anti-war movement can mobilise 100 000 people to a march around London. If just half those who made it down to London were to go to Menwith Hill then just maybe we could shut down the base.

Contact GMD CND (0161) 237 8283

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