road protests 2002
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 18:18:14 -0000
Subject: eLoombreaker 25 - January '01
[NOTE - above Subject shd be "eLoombreaker 25 - January '02"]
Manchester Critical Mass report - November 2001
Pedal Power - The Way Forward!
Critical masses are cyclists protest against car culture and global warming. Recently a group in Manchester has been trying to get critical masses together on a monthly basis. The attempt was coupled in November with an even more daunting task - getting up for the morning rush hour. About 15 of us made it, and cycled down Oxford Road from the Whitworth Gallery until Dickenson Road, where we cut across to Stockport Road and cycled into town. According to the policeman who tried to stop us on Stockport Road, we were creating a back-up all the way to Stockport.
We did finally get stopped, by an irate pig one of the cyclists described as "acting like an angry father who's found his kids in his drinks cabinet!" After much huffing and puffing, we were given a motorbike escort to the finish of the critical mass.
December was given a miss, but the idea is to have critical masses on the last Friday of every month, meeting at 8:00am outside the Whitworth Gallery on Oxford Road.
We always need more people for critical masses, both to join the mass and to help publicise it in advance. Pedestrians are needed as well, to give out leaflets alongside the cyclists, so if you don't have a bike but fancy showing your support, come along.
tel - 0161 226 6814
road protests 2002
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