road protests 2002
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 16:32:04 +0000
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news 15th Jan Mime-Version: 1.0
Reclaim The Streets New York City - party 2nd February 2002
An invitation from Reclaim the Streets NYC
We at RTS NY recently conducted a poll.
We asked CEOs, high-level government officials and other members of the wealthy
global elite the following question -
Four months after the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history, at a time when the site of the World Trade Center remains a smoldering mass grave; when thousands of New Yorkers have been laid off; when the city has entered into austerity mode, initiating budget cuts, axing social programs and welfare (but generously donated a community center to a needy developer); and when many New Yorkers are still deep in the process of mourning their dead and a home forever changed, what would be the best way to spend a few million taxpayer dollars? -
a) on social programs that would benefit New York's poor, hungry, homeless and jobless
b) on a 5-day cocktail party for rich people
Our prestigious respondents unanimously chose "b". (Though George W. Bush requested, "No fancy fruity drinks. Just beer and chicks.")
We at RTS NY have decided to endorse these lovable fat cats. We figure, with all that money and power, they must know what they're doing!
So in solidarity with the World Economic Forum, RTS is throwing its own bash --
a musically oriented, danceable one, of course. Argentine Tango, anyone? Consider yourself cordially invited to...
Profits Before People! Rebuild NY for Big Business!
Dress up, make music, and tango till you drop.
Date: Saturday, 2 February
Time: Noon
Place: The Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Park Avenue, NYC [Exact Location TBA]
Attire: Formal
Calling all samba bands, musicians of every stripe, tango instructors, bikers in ball gowns and loudmouths. Meet with us next Wednesday, 16 January, at 7pm at Judson Church (55 Washington Square South, near Thompson St.) to plan the party.
No R.S.V.P. required.
road protests 2002
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