road protests 2002
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Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 21:57:12 +0000
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news 7th Jan
From: "Faslane Coach" -
Faslane Blockade - Coach from London
Come to the Big Blockade, Faslane Naval Base, February 11/13th 2002
All of Britain's nuclear weapons are based at Faslane on the Clyde, thirty miles north of Glasgow. Every day one of the Trident missile submarines is at sea ready to unleash its nuclear missiles on cities thousands of miles away. Trident pollutes the environment with radiation, is poised to kill millions of civilians and is outlawed by international humanitarian law.
Over the past year there have been two huge sit-down blockades of the Faslane Trident base. Thousands of people took part to peacefully close the base for a total of over twelve hours and over five hundred people were arrested.
Come and join us for the Big Blockade in February.
We are organising a coach from London via Oxford.
The blockade lasts for 3 days. We are planning to have one coach going up on Sunday night and returning on Monday night. There may also be transport returning later in the week. Please let us know if you would prefer to return later.
The cost is £10 - £30 depending on what you can afford (but it will only go ahead if we have enough money).
Please send cash or cheques payable to Youth CND to: Faslane Coach, 162 Holloway Rd, London, N7 8DQ. Please include your name, address, telephone no, and email address if possible.
We will not cash the cheques until we are sure it is going ahead. If it cannot go ahead due to lack of money or passengers we will return your money by post.
Briefing & preparation afternoon: 13th January - email or phone for more details.
For more information -
email -
telephone - 07833 393 325
road protests 2002
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