road protests 2002
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Date: Mon, 07 Jan 2002 23:21:00 +0000
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news of gatherings
earth first! - Winter Moot UK - 26/27th January 2002
Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Manchester M4
just to remind everyone that the earth first! winter moot is taking place at MERCi in manchester on saturday 26th/sunday 27th january (arrivals from 6pm on the friday evening). this is intended as a kind of earth first! navel-gazing exercise rather than a mix of varied workshops like the summer gathering, so unless you feel involved in earth first! as an entity and want to be a part of its direction over the next year or so this may not be for you, unless you're masochistically into long discussions! plenty of crash space and vegan food (£10 for the weekend, including food), and if you haven't see MERCi yet a great opportunity to do so! we look forward to seeing you there. please get in touch in advance if you have any special circumstances we need to take into account.
more info from 0161 226 6814 or
U.S. Earth First! 2002 Winter Renezvous (February 16-19) Arizona
Hey there Limey EF! types,
We wanted to send you the following invite in the hopes that some folks can come over for this event. Before the Rendezvous there will also be a conference similar to the [British] Winter Moot, write to the address at the end for more details.
Think hot springs and sunshine.
In solidarity,
EF! Journal
We hereby invite y'all to the Earth First! 2002 Winter Renezvous (February 16-19) and challenge you to activate and organize, whilst taking time to gather our strengths, make new friends, learn new skills and enjoy this beautiful region, including the amazing Eden Hot Springs.
Find southeast AZ on a map. It's likely you'll be coming from East or West on I-10. Look for Highway 191 North (used to be 666 'till the locals realized what that meant) which is several miles East of Wilcox. Take 191 North until you hit the main intersection in the town of Safford (last gas) which will be Highway 70. Go west (left) through strip-malls, farms and small towns for 15.7 miles.
Look for mile marker #313. There will be a large metal barn before you turn North (right) on Eden Rd. Go 1.2 miles (across what's left of the Gila) to Hot Springs Rd., go West (left) 1.9 miles (turns to dirt at 1 mile) to a gate that appears in front of you as the road veers to the left. This is it-go on inside and let the friendly caretakers (be nice) tell you where to park. This should be about a three hour drive from Tucson.
From the West on Highway 70 (quicker from Phoenix) look for mile marker #312 and then the Eden Rd. turn-off to the North (left).
During the rendezvous there will be a community kitchen, this means, bring non-perishable food to contribute and help in the kitchen-or starve. We can guide you to the best dumpsters in excuses. It's best to do all your errands in Tucson or Phoenix.
What to bring: Camping gear, warm sleeping bag, warm weather and freezing weather clothes, rain gear, a couple of sturdy personalized water containers, a dish, utensils, mug, TP, snacks and a towel if you so desire, info. and propaganda for the Information Market/Trading Bazaar about your bioregion and campaigns, be prepared to give a workshop during the rendezvous if you'd like.
No Dogs, cats, birds or hedgehogs! Leave your non-human friends at home, no exceptions. You will be turned away. No weapons please.
Earth First! is not an organization, but a movement. There are no "members" of Earth First!, only Earth First!ers. Earth First!ers come together in their belief that it is essential to take direct action to reverse, stop and ultimately overthrow that which is causing the miserable destruction of the planet's delicate and diverse biosphere.
By drawing public attention to the crises facing the natural world, Earth First! takes a decidedly different tact toward environmental issues. We believe in using all the tools in the toolbox, ranging from grassroots organizing and involvement in the legal process to civil disobedience and monkeywrenching.
Night to Howl! February 16 (evening)-The Warrior Poets Society will kickoff the Winter Rendezvous. Performers, poets, dancers, musicians, etc. are welcome to entertain us. If you don't, we'll demand it!
Winter Rendezvous February 17-18-A time for action planning, campaign discussions, workshops, campfire music, rejuvenating, hiking and other illicit activities. Come get an introduction to; wilderness defense, organizing, bioregionalism, sustainability/permaculture, how-to climb, bike projects, decronstructing racism, non-violence, border issues, magical activism, billboard defacement, and much morre. This is a skill-share, if you would like to host a workshop please contact us.
New Orleans Mardi Gras Style Costume Party February 17 (evening)-Dance party with DJ Ozone! (No costume, no attendance.) Tucson Benefit February 19-Pack up, cleanup, and sum-rad-kinda'-action day.
The Earth First! Journal invites you to come to Tucson for a benefit concert Tuesday night.
For more info contact EF!OC, POB 3023, Tucson, AZ 85702 -
road protests 2002
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