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Date: Mon, 08 Oct 2001 17:30:30 +0100
Subject: -ALLSORTS-mixed news

From: "ELP Support Network" (

Local action to save the trees - Devizes (Wilts)

In Devizes, Wiltshire, England, there has been an on-going local campaign to save four London Plane trees which grew in the town square. The Council decided they wanted to kill the trees despite strong local opposition.

Organising themselves into a tree defenders group the locals had effectively prevented the felling of the trees. Just before the weekend the Council cynically told the local pressure group that they would not attack the trees until further talks had taken place. However this turned out to be a cynical ploy to weaken the campaign group. On Sunday morning (7th October 2001) the contractors moved in and before anyone knew anything, three trees were dead. However as soon as the news of the chainsaw massacre was known locals were quick to act to save the last tree. A picket formed around the tree. A tree sitter climbed the tree and a car was parked immediately under the tree. This action drew local media attention and the last tree has had a temporary reprieve. However how long this will last no one knows.

The Council's excuse for felling the trees is they claim the trees are diseased.

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