road protests 2001
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From: "petergkirton" (
Subject: First Major Roads Protest for New Government
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 21:03:25 +0100
Bingley Relief Road - construction starts July 2nd
I realise we've missed the June / July edition of Green Events, but thought that you may be interested to know that construction of the Bingley 'Relief' Road is scheduled to be undertaken by AMEC on July 2nd.
Despite the construction....
* not having had an environmental impact assessment, as required by law,
* destroying a SSSI, and a second site of considerable paleobotanical interest,
* causing an increase in traffic flow through the town of Bingley by 40% - according to the DETR's conservative forecast.
We would like to invite you to join with members of FOE, The Green Party, Transport 2000, and BETA (Bingley Environmental Transport Association) at 12:00h Crossflatts Railway Station** on Sunday 1st July for a 'picnic protest'.
After gathering at the railway station we propose to march to Five Rise Locks at Bingley for a picnic lunch before continuing our short journey to Bingley town centre.
Although assured of considerable support, please do not under estimate the contribution that you could make. We need to drive home to this intransigent government that building roads doesn't solve problems - it merely creates additional ones.
So come and join us and take part in the first major roads protest in the life of this new Government and show Stephen Byers that following in John Prescott's footsteps will bring about speedy demise for him - as well as his party.
We look forward to meeting you
Peter Kirton
** Crossflatts railway station is on the Airedale line and served by trains from Bradford, Leeds and Keighley.
It is also on the main bus routes from Bradford and Leeds to Keighley.
road protests 2001
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