road protests 2001
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From: "Loombreaker" (
Date: Tue, 15 May 2001 14:38:11 +0100
Subject: (Fwd) FWD:June 7th
Original Message
From: "june 7"(
Subject: June 7th
Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 18:31:06 -0500
One day every few years in Britain, there isn't really any government. In the twilight zone when no "elected representatives" are in charge, Manchester will be home to a daylong festival of anti-government and anti-corporate frivolity, celebrating music, theatre, autonomous direct action, free food, art, gardening, lying around and a 'state funeral'. This day will focus on the good things in life (culture, fun...) and sadly the bad too (corporate colonialism...).
Rather than following the pattern of recent bigger demos, where a lot of hanging around and inevitable confrontation occurs, it will be fluid, autonomous and serious whilst silly and colourful. It will serve as an experiment in new ways to really have an effect.
Fight Centralism!
Why wait for the next big national demo in London? Manchester, the oh so proud hosts of the forthcoming Commonwealth Games, will play host to the nation's most radical and creative cooks, graffiti artists, gardeners, cyclists, street performers...?
Get with it!
Pass on this idea now! Using the existing networks of activists, friends and contacts, this day could be a real success. Although some rather super events are already being planned, YOU need to get on the case and start thinking how you can contribute and spread the message, persuading others to come from all over. Not just activists, but also politically-minded entertainers and everyone and anyone who could make this day beautiful, funny, and purposeful chaos.
Ideas... Festival circuit types, dancers, solutions / sustainability / installments, community arts groups, theatre groups, climbers, silly people, bands and musicians who move or don't move, kids stuff, workshops, stalls, gardening, colourful murals...
Ideas...Subvertising, surreal and humorous office occupations, Trojan rabbits, a critical mass in fancy dress, getting in the way, gardening (again)
No Band Wagons, Unwanted Bedfellows and Muddying of the Waters!
Needless to say, the Socialist Alliance SWP, Green Party and other political faiths that are busy canvassing for votes on election day are not going to participate in an event that asks you to abandon the spectator sport we know as 'representative electoral politics' in favour of participating in direct action and nurturing meaningful forms of democracy.
Not enough time?
Adventurous shit is already being planned. The rest is up to you. Some money is available. Accommodation can be sorted for a few hundred. There will be parties and the chance to meet up with old friends and loved ones. It will be the time of your life brothers and sisters. Please organise and network now. More info is on its way. See you here.
The Carrumba Collective, BOX 23
c/o Bridge 5 Mill, 22a Beswick Street, Ancoats, Manchester M4 7HS
tel - 0161 226 6814
email -
road protests 2001
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