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Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 20:42:39 +0100
Subject: -ALLSORTS-UK news catch up 19th April
Mayday Critical Mass Ride
Apologies to those who already know this, greetings to those who don't !
The details :
1. Meeting at 7.30am at Marylebone Station (off the Marylebone Road, W1) or Liverpool Street station.
2. Converging on Kings X for a late breakfast, where coincidentally London Animal Action will be picketing Mucdonalds from 9.30am and giving out free vege-burgers to all and sundry.
3. Presuming we have sufficient numbers, we will continue after breakfast in a chaotic fashion around the monopoly board, linking up with & supporting other known actions.
4. There will be stationary breaks from 12noon - 1pm; and 2.30-3.30pm. The ride will finish approx 4pm, although folks are free to continue....?
We want as many people to start with us at 7.30am as possible, if you can't feel free to join us at the stops during the day. We will issue some phone numbers soon so that you can find us during the day, as well as details of the 'rest' points. Legal observers will be present at both stations at 7.30am, and again at Kings X (they will come on the ride).
Come brightly ! Bring/wear crazy clothes, flags, ideas, balloons, whistles, music, placards, leaflets, whigs, masks, etc AND fun in your minds and anger in your hearts.
Not just for bikes - skateboards, skaters, wheelchairs, even walkers all welcome at all times to join the mobile monopoly madness !!!
The politics.......This is a critical mass ride linking in with mayday monopoly - against the car culture driven by the capitalist nightmare, and for an environmentally integrated transport system driven by our needs not capitalist profit; for cleaner air and healthier lives not more traffic congestion, pollution and cuts in public transport; for alternative & free forms of transport, not restrictions on our ability to travel across cities - and borders.
For more mayday info check out -
or ring them on 07989 451 096.
Practice wishful thinking - Abolish alienation !
Respect & love.........MH
road protests 2001
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