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Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:18:14 -0000
Subject: [act-locally] Think Globally August 2000 (Issue 36)

FASLANE BLOCKADED - 1st August 2000

Around 160 people, including some from Newcastle, arrived at Faslane, a Trident submarine base near Glasgow, very early in the morning on 1st August. The anti-nuclear protesters held a lively blockade with a good atmosphere and several ingenious lock-ons, preventing workers from entering both the north and south gates. At the south gate, a tripod was set up which was really successful, stopping traffic for 12 hours.

76 people were arrested, including Buddhist nuns performing a religious ceremony, and a protester called Laura Norder! Faslane was the final destination for Buddhists and Trident Ploughshares peace walkers who have walked over 250 miles from Aldermaston to Faslane.

Among them was a member of Tyneside East Timor Support Group, who was sponsored to raise funds for the group (donation gratefully received c/o TGAL PO Box). A two week camp is now taking place with actions every day. More info from Trident Ploughshares - tel: 01324 880 744

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