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Date: Tue, 15 Aug 2000 16:18:14 -0000
Subject: [act-locally] Think Globally August 2000 (Issue 36)


Residents of Howden-le-Wear, Crook, staged a sit in for several weeks after a businessman fenced off land which has been used as a village green since 1776, saying it belongs to him. Local residents moved caravans onto the land, and after a year long battle a public enquiry is to be held. As the green has been used by the public for more than 20 years, they may be able to register it as common land.

Does your community have an open space that for the last 20 years has been used for recreational activity? Registering it as a village green may protect it from development. Under the Commons Registrations Act 1965, any area that has been used continuously for informal recreation over the last 20 years can be registered as common land, as long as you can prove it is used predominantly by local people, and that they have been doing so without permission, without being stopped, or seeing notices that stop them, and without being secretive about it. Register your green with the local council who may hold an independent hearing to consider your proposal. The Castleton Resident's Association recently stopped industrial development on a site in Manchester by registering it as a green.

A new book, 'Getting Greens Registered', is available from the Open Spaces Society
tel - 01491 573535

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