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From: "Heather"
Subject: eviction?
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000 10:37:37 -0700
Threat to Faslane Peace Camp
The success of recent protests against the Trident base at Faslane has led to new calls to evict Faslane Peace Camp. Local councillors who have been trying to have the Camp evicted have used the latest demonstrations as an excuse to renew their opposition to the Peace Camp.
On Tuesday 1st August, the same day 83 people were arrested at a blockade of Faslane, local councillors met in Helensburgh. The Helensburgh Area Committee of Argyll and Bute Council passed a resolution which condemned the Trident Ploughshares demonstrations and said "We further call on the leader of Argyll and Bute Council to convene without further delay a meeting to discuss the future of Faslane Peace Camp." The motion was proposed by George Freeman, councillor for Garelochhead and Cove and seconded by Billy Petrie, councillor for Ardenconnel.
Cardross Councillor Ronnie Kinloch said he deplored the fact that the Council had not moved before now to evict the camp. Helensburgh East Councillor Eric Thomson said that he thought the issues of the Trident Ploughshares protests and the future of the Peace Camp should be dealt with as separate issues. Helensburgh West Councillor John Stirling was critical of the methods used by Trident Ploughshares. However Councillor Coleshill said: "It seems to me if we condemn people for sitting down peacefully then we should condemn some of the leaders of India."
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