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From: "hamish mitchell" (
Subject: The latest on the NDR at Bridgwater
Date: Sat, 27 May 2000 15:05:16 +0100

NDR protest (Bridgwater) - council meeting 30th May

That damn road! - But it's still not quite over...

Pressure from central government (because of our pressure) has resulted in the council calling another public meeting. This is the last thing they wanted and if enough turn up just one more time - the right people will be watching. The tables have turned - this is your chance to ask those awkward questions. You pay their wages - make them work for you!

VENUE - Chilton Trinity School - Tue 30th May at 7.30

As of May 19th planning permission has STILL NOT been finalised - yet trees and houses tumble. But Beazer is worried by all the fuss and is currently responsible for the hold-up; if put under pressure they may chose to withdraw. Don't forget this is not housing for people who live in Somerset or for low-income families; this is for people moving into the country, for second homes etc. It's only necessary for shareholders - if Beazer get hundreds of angry letters they will be finally convinced that this is too much hassle and not enough profit.

If you don't want to see 900 houses and a new road in your town for the sake of making money for fat cats, please quickly get a letter to -

Mr V. Benjamin
Chairman, Beazer Group PLC
St James House, The Square
Lower Bristol Road, Bath, North Somerset BA2 3SB

CALL TO ARMS: Are there skilled individuals out there who are willing to offer administration and advice to help with this cause? Typists, lawyers, architects, doctors, engineers, anyone who can help us evaluate the impact that this will have.

Please contact


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