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Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000 13:54:10 GMT
From: Jo Makepeace (
To: Multiple recipients of list (
Subject: SchNEWS 252, Friday 24th March 2000


Spare a thought for Tory MP for Suffolk Central, Michael Lord, who had a spot of bother with some local yokels. He owns land near Bedford that is home to the rare great crested grebe, and had twice previously failed to get planning permission to build 35 houses there. So, like all good direct activists who are sick of state bureaucracy, the former tree surgeon decided to take matters into his own hands, and turned up with a JCB to get to work trashing the land. Unfortunately over 50 locals, the cops, fire brigade, and local TV turned up while he was working. Apparently the trees have preservation orders on them, and locals didn't want more development in their village. Some dodgy individuals also slashed the JCB's tires and put a brick through the MP's car window, so he got a bit annoyed and threatened to sue the local TV station! The local council are currently deciding whether or not to prosecute over the felling of the trees.

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