road protests 2000
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Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 00:24:17 GMT
From: Jo Makepeace (
To: Multiple recipients of list (
Subject: SchNEWS 250, Friday 3rd March 2000
Jan 94 - The Zapatistas rise up with the signing of NAFTA (SchNEWS 174/5 and SchNEWS 200 for effects of NAFTA in Mexico)
Sept 96 - The First Intergalactic Encuentro for Humanity and Against Neo-Liberalism, in Mexico July 97: The second Encuentro in Spain (SchNEWS 128)
Feb 98 - Geneva people's movements from around the globe met and form the People's Global Action against 'Free' Trade and the World Trade Organisation (SchNEWS 156)
May 98 - Street parties in 40 countries across the globe to protest against the G8 meeting in Birmingham (SchNEWS 168)
June 99 - Carnival against capitalism in the City of London, and actions in 27 other countries around the world (SchNEWS 217/218)
Aug 99 - Peoples Global Action Meeting in Bangalore, India. (SchNEWS 226)
Nov 99 - Battle of Seattle: The World Trade Organisation's talks are de-railed by mass protests, with solidarity actions across the world (SchNEWS 240)
April 16/17, 2000 - Mobilisation for Global Justice. There will be week long series of events in Washington, with workshops and training on the global economy, ending with a massive rally at the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) headquarters on Sunday April 16. Simultaneous events are planned in other countries -
MayDay 2000, April 29 - May 1st - A four day gathering featuring Workshops, bookfair, film festival, art exhibition, footie tournament, tours of revolutionairy London, Critical Mass bike ride, plans for a permanent social centre, music, parties, May Queen event with a twist... Maypoles, mayhem and a MASS ACTION in London on Monday May 1st to 'celebrate our diverse struggles against capitalism, exploitation and the destruction of the planet.'
MayDay 2000 - BM MayDay, London, WC1N 3XX - - Part of the international call for action by People's Global Action on 1ST May
September 2000 - Prague: Global Day of Action against the IMF annual meeting -
info from SchNEWS at -
road protests 2000
| road protests (current)
| movement links