road protests 2000
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Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 00:36:29 +0000
To: "Networking Newsletter emailing list"
Subject: NNP: March events
Local Transport Plan Consultation - Manchester (NW England)
From: "Paul and Rachel"
For those of you who don't know, there is currently a free newspaper circulating called "Transport Matters". The back page is a questionnaire to fill in with your views on what the aims of transport policy in Greater Manchester should be.
The questionnaire can be filled in in 1 or 2 minutes but is an opportunity to "vote for" policies to reduce traffic speeds, improve public transport, make walking and cycling safer etc (of course, if you were inclined to, you could "vote" for increased traffic speeds, worse public transport and making
walking and cycling more hazardous). You can enter your questionnaire into a draw for tranport-related prizes (including a bike or car breakdown cover).
Copies of the questionnaire / "Transport Matters" can be obtained in the Town Hall entrances, by ringing 0161 234 3212 or on line at -
Completed questionnaires need to be in by 27 March.
road protests 2000
| road protests (current)
| movement links