Go Equipment - traditional go sets

The ancient Chinese game of 'wei qi', known as 'baduk' in Korea, is more commonly called by its Japanese name 'go' in England. It is thought to be the world's oldest and most popular board game. Stuart Dowsey's descriptions of the traditional playing equipment used in Japan were first published in the British Go Journal 1980-81 and are reproduced here with the kind permission of the British Go Association. (The costs mentioned have not been updated from the original articles, and are therefore no longer reliable.)

"Wood, Shell and Stone"  by  Stuart Dowsey

Go Boards
Go Stones
Go Bowls


originally published in the BGJ - No.50 (Nov 1980)
originally published in the BGJ - No.52 (Mar 1981)
originally published in the BGJ - No.53 (Jun 1981)

4 photos of go sets

go pics
Takagawa Shukaku vs Sakata Eio  (16th Honinbo, 1961)
Fujisawa Shuko vs Cho Chikun  (7th Kisei, 1983)
"Bert And John" (Transatlantic 144, 1966)

go info American Go Association
Annotated Go Bibliographies
British Go Association
European Go Cultural Centre
European Go Database
rec.games.go (Google Newsgroup archive)
Sensei's Library

go servers Internet Go Server
KGS - Kiseido Go Server  (oniscoid)
OGS - Online Go Server  (Weed - Billericay Go Club)

Dave Lorkin (Billericay Go Club) on Phoenix FM (2010)
Takeo Matsudo - Go Letters, Vol 1-3 (1963-1964)

Weed - go pics

Billericay Go Club    |    Wanstead Go Club    |    leisure links    |    weed's home page

background from the British Go Association
comments to weed@wussu.com
revised 20 August 2022
URL http://www.wussu.com/go/index.htm