home  |  46-50  |  47-49  |  48-50  |  52/3  |  53  |  53/4 (?)  |  54 (i)  |  54 (ii)  |  54 (iii)  |  55 (i)  |  55 (ii)  |  56 (i)  |  56 (ii)  |  56 (iii)  |  57  |  79 (?)  |  80

St Norbert's RC School - Mr Hall's class photo 1957

St Norbert's 1957 - Mr Hall's class

left to right, excluding teacher (Mr Hall)

back - ??, Geoff Poole, Francis Manderson (?), Michael Duffield, Mick Mumby, Micky Gallagher, Bernard McDonough, Keith Jackson, Paul Dawson, Alan Procter (Monty)

middle - Dennis O' Donnell, Bernard Leckie, Kathleen Bones, ??, Anne Harrison, ??, ??, Val Davis, Hazel Hunt, Chris Whitehouse

front - Bridgette Davis, ??, Theresa Brown, Rosamund Pogson, ??, Christina Moore, Sandra Beaumont, ??

home  |  46-50  |  47-49  |  48-50  |  52/3  |  53  |  53/4 (?)  |  54 (i)  |  54 (ii)  |  54 (iii)  |  55 (i)  |  55 (ii)  |  56 (i)  |  56 (ii)  |  56 (iii)  |  57  |  79 (?)  |  80

apologies to anyone wrongly identified
thanks for help with names to Jill Brennan, Shaun Campion, Maureen (Doyle) Sanders and John Featherstone
and to Dennis O' Donnell who sends very best wishes and health to all the class of 1957
additions corrections & comments to weed@wussu.com
revised 13 October 2020
URL http://www.wussu.com/crowle/stnor57.htm