as Freewheelin' Franklin once said, "just because you're paranoid, it don't mean they're not out to get you" - hmm... that's not right... no, he didn't say that - what FF said was, "As we all know, dope will get you thru times of no money better than money will get you through times of no dope." - ah well, on with the groovy links... |
Activists and Spooks - covert activities against activist groups
Biohazards of ELF - ELF in mind-control, low-level EMF as a weapon, shields
CIA's homepage for kids - catch them young...
Counterintelligence and Technical Surveillance Countermeasures homepage - bugging
Covert Action Quarterly Homepage - investigative journal
Federation of American Scientists - nuclear weapons, arms sales, biological hazards, secrecy, space policy
Fluoride Issues - don't eat your toothpaste! you have been warned!
Freedom Isn't Free - mind control
HSV Technologies - UV anti-personnel beam weapon development
Infomanage - wide ranging info on politics, intelligence, conspiracy etc
Institute for the Advanced Study of Information Warfare - cyberwar, defense & intelligence agencies info
Intelligence - parapolitics from publishers of expensive French mag
Intelligence on the Web - comprehensive links to (military) intelligence & related sites
International TEMPEST Information Page - info on EMR from electronic equipment
Lobster - excellent UK parapolitics journal - essential reading!
Mother Jones magazine - US investigative magazine
Powerwatch - electromagnetic fields and health, + military use
Satellite Database - from UCS (Union of Concerned Scientists)
Secret Kingdom - UK government & military orgs (MI5, MI6, GCHQ, SAS, SBS etc)
SPUR - Society for Paranormal & UFO Research
The Corporations Have Taken Over The Asylum - Ethyl Corporation of America & the NAFTA
Udder Madness! - Phosmet link to BSE discredited by NOAH
and here's some stuff on encription, electronic privacy, censorship and net freedom
Blue Ribbon Campaign - for online free speech
Center for Democracy and Technology - privacy & the FBI, cryptography, civil liberties etc
Cipherwar - privacy, new legislation on technology, politics
Crypto Link Farm - Encryption and Security-related Resources
Cryptography - (useful links hidden away on a page on a commercial site)
Cyber-rights and Cyber-liberties - privacy, encription, politics & legislation (mainly UK)
Data Protection Registrar - UK Data Protection Act + search of register
Echelon Watch - discussion on the most powerful intelligence gathering organization in the world
Electronic Frontier Foundation - censorship, civil liberties, privacy, surveillance, cryptography etc
Electronic Privacy Information Centre - news, info, legislation, resources, links
Global Internet Liberty Campaign - a coalition of groups concerned with freedom of expression
Human Rights Watch - research & campaigns
InfoSec and InfoWar Portal - Information Warfare, Security, Cybercrime
Index on Censorship - includes excerpts from Gandalf publications
Internet Freedom - UK campaigning site + censorship news
New South Wales Privacy Committee - international privacy research links
PGP (US) - Pretty Good Privacy Inc Home Page - what all the fuss is about...
PGP International - Pretty Good Privacy - for downloads outside the USA - UK & European privacy issues, phone-tapping, encryption
Project Censored - reports on censored news stories (Sonoma State University, US)
Statewatch - UK/Europe civil liberties database
Watching Them Watching Us - UK CCTV Surveillance Regulation Campaign
many of these links come from various issues of the leading UK parapolitics mag Lobster which is published twice a year by Robin Ramsey
the disinformation site is an excellent antidote to paranoid fantasies