weed's home page
weed's personal links page
most of these links are ancient, and many no longer work
please note, i do not do link exchanges
non-working links to weed@wussu.com
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drugs (non-prescription)
Albert Hofmann Foundation - history's most famous bicycle ride
BLTC - Better Living Through Chemistry - including HedWeb & The Good Drugs Guide
Council on Spiritual Practices - direct experience of the sacred via entheogens
DMT Nexus - files, FAQ, elitist ("holier than thou") forum, links, nice graphics
Drug Policy Alliance - info on reform and harm reduction
DRCNet - Drug Reform Coordination Network (US)
Drugs-forum - large forum + news, blogs, wiki, downloads & gallery
E=±mc²=The Deoxyribonucleic Hyperdimension - Leary, McKenna, Watts
ecstacy.org - the late Nicholas Saunders' authoritative Ecstacy site
Erowid LSD Vault - info myths sources history articles health books medicine resources
Fitz Hugh Ludlow Memorial Library - world's largest collection of psychoactive drug books
Freedom Book Company - nice selection of mushroom books for sale
Greenhouse Effect - Amsterdam coffee shop/bar/hotel
Ibogaine Dossier - includes research on its use in treating opiate addiction
James Arthur - Mushrooms and Mankind - ethnomycology - authoratitive info on Amanita muscaria
Joel Snow - entheological articles + interesting info & pics
LSD Purity - cleanliness is next to godliness - Bruce Eisner's 1977 High Times article
Lycæum - large and well-organised entheogenic library and community
Lysergia - all things psychedelic - music, literature, art, interviews, articles
MAPS - Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies - research & bibliography
mescaline.cop - The Molecular Biology of Paradise
Molecule of the Month - includes some psychedelics - animations + description/history
mushroom pics - various fungus pics & shroom art (local)
Pharmako - a review of Dale Pendell's trilogy - in depth exploration of psychoactive plants
Pihkal and Tihkal - Phenethylamines and Tryptamines I Have Known And Loved - Alexander and Ann Shulgin
Psychedelic Salon - podcasts and audio clips - Ann & Sasha Shulgin, McKenna, Abraham, Doblin etc
Psylocybe Fanaticus - the original Psilocybe cubensis growing instruction manual
Rhodium Archive - chemistry and pharmacology archive (hosted by Erowid)
Salvia divinorum Research and
Information Center - articles, pics, FAQ and user guide
Seeking The Magic Mushroom - R Gordon Wasson's original 1957 Life article
Sensi Seeds - European seedbank, and supplier of medicinal and recreational cannabis seeds
Strain Hunters - excellent videos documenting seed hunting expeditions
Terrence McKenna Land - shamanism & ethnopharmacolgy
Terminal Wing-Ding Club - promoting the use of entheogens when dying + mailing list archive (local)
Timothy Leary Home Page - tune in, turn on, drop out, die a hero - (for info + archives try The Leary Project)
Tina & R Gordon Wasson Ethnomycological Collection Archives - 27,000 letters photos slides etc
Transform - campaigning to change UK drug policy
Trouts Notes - chemical, botanical, pharmacological & ethnobotanical data and abstracts
Vaults of Erowid - comprehensive info on all psychoactives
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fun, frolics & bad taste
All The Tests - search engines for online tests (IQ, EQ, personality, health, career etc)
Assassination Politics - Jim Bell's solution for world peace (& getting rid of car thieves)
Basildoneye -- scurrilous exposés -- the site that coined the term "Bas Vegas" (archived)
Bastard Operator from Hell - and BOFH2K - Simon Travaglia's words of wisdom for wannabe sysops
Bertrand Russell - GE Moore skit - by Jonathan Miller (from "Beyond The Fringe")
Bill Gates Personal Wealth Clock - by database guru Philip Greenspun
BombShock - forums on drugs, explosives, weapons, crime, spy technologies etc
Butt Page - rectal foreign bodies
Caverns Of Blood - html web games with animated grafix & sound
Chickenhead - bonds skin on contact...
Cliff Pickover - Internet Encyclopedia of Hoaxes
Contortion Home Page -
Cowabduction.com - YouTube vid - eye witness accounts of alien cow abductions
crap arrests - of the week from SchNEWS (local)
Cruel Site of the Day - the World Wide Web's bitter aftertaste
The Daily Mind - let no one doubt it - molesworth lives!
Discordian Links - those who venerate Malaclypse The Younger's magnum opiate
Dross Comics - (Drew Ross) includes WackyCrackHeads & Cheechwizard (Vaughn Bode)
Egg Heaven 2000! - search engine for s/w easter eggs
Extraordinary Photo Gallery - funny pics page
Find a Grave - pics & cemetry maps for celeb dirt collectors
Flame Warriors - an astute guide to all the inhabitants of your local forum
FuckedCompany.com - the dot-com deadpool
Glenn Gould De-vocalizer 2000 - with demos
Great Domains - online domain name auction ($30,000,000 for america.com etc)
The Hackers - popular 80s cartoon strip from Popular Computing Weekly (local)
Jesus And Mo - an everyday story of divinical folk
Jesus Dress Up! - messiah makeover time
Know Your Meme - documenting viral videos, image macros, catchphrases, web celebs etc
lsdex - interactive animated fractal kaleidoscopes (and much more)
Long Bets - long term predictions, betting & discussion on social issues with proceeds going to charity
MAD Cover Site - MAD magazine - lists, links, movies, prices, buyers, sellers, quiz, and those wonderful covers
Marijuana Leaf - LA Pop Art image created from US Government's list of 647 street names
Michael Kelly's Page of Misery - obscure saints, online sperm bank, bible studies & lots more
No Sex Please, We're Brutish - a satire on Britishness and Englishness by Spiros Doikas
Niagra Falls - Daredevils Hall of Fame - tightropers, divers, people in barrels - info + pics
Pencil Pages - for pencil collectors - gallery, articles, FAQ, links, classifieds etc
Pet Loss Grief Support - (but no mention of the 000,000s of animals bred and killed to feed them)
Pylon of the Month - archive photos, and links to subjects of equal fascination (via the Wayback Machine)
Postmodernism Generator - using the excellent Dada Engine
POTATOLAND - recycle your spam at the home of Digital Landfill
richapplefool - termy's food fantasies for flash freaks
Taglines Galore - arranged alphabetically - about 450,000 of them
The Website Is Down - dedicated to anyone who's done technical support
THUTAPS - The Human Tapeworm Preservation Society (local)
TV-B-Gone - switches off nearly all televisions - European version also available
UFOSeek - comprehensive search engine for all things paranormal
Urban Legends and Folklore - About's site, containing all the classics
Urban Legends Reference Page - from The San Fernando Valley Folklore Society
VHEMT - The Voluntary Human Extinction Movement - to allow Earth's biosphere to return to good health
VWC - View With Confidence - the ultimate web rating system (local)
War On Terror cartoons - approx 160 pics (some will probably offend) - varous view points (local)
What should I put on the Fence? - obsessional, but very clever... fencemastering in all its glory
Where's Wally? - a personal account of a multiple-use-name entanglement
Why did the chicken cross the road? - plus specialist road-crossing-chicken links (local)
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info, media, politics & reference
Al Jazeera - global political news - good content but buggy site
AlternaTime - list of 250 online timelines (5 sections)
British Prime Ministers 1945-2001 - brief biogs + political careers
BOPCRIS - British Official Publ Collab Reader Info Service - 23,279 refs (1688-1995)
calculators, constants and conversions links
C4 - Channel 4 (UK TV)
day / month / year calculator
Economist - UK journal
Elstead Maps - online UK source for worldwide maps & charts
Collumbia Electronic Encyclopedia - 52,000 entries (at Yahoo)
Fax your MP - enter postcode, write message, click on email confirmation
File on 4 - top UK BBC Radio 4 investigative program
Gasing Regional Newspapers - international news sources (default language English)
Hansard - official record of UK parliamentary procedings
History Guide - well organised, comprehensive history sites search engine
Independent Media Center - Indymedia - grassroots non-corporate news coverage
Indymedia UK - new UK site
Keele University's British Politics Page - parties, councils, electoral data
Knowhere Guide - info (some old, some new) on 2000+ places in the UK contributed by (young) users
Lest We Forget - Agent Orange - The USA's Legacy In Vietnam (local)
Library of Congress - search for words/picture/sounds - online catalog
Media UK - comprehensive guide to UK tv radio newspapers and mags
Megalithia - megalithic sites in the UK and Eire
MoneySavingExpert.com - public forums on a surprisingly wide range of commercial products and activities
National Statistics online - official figures for Britain including economics, cultural and census data
NationMaster - worldwide stats &am0p; correlations
oneworld.net - info & news from an international perspective
Probert E-Text Encyclopaedia - (UK edition?) simple, fast, and easy to use
Public Whip - voting records of UK MPs + comprehensive stats
Royal Mail - UK postcode/address finder (need to register)
Sceptics Church History - alphabetical compilation by Richard Ebbs
Streetmap.co.uk - fast-loading interactive street maps
T&G Membership Education in International Development - globalisation and international trade unionism
Theban Mapping Project - interactive atlas of Egypt's Valley of the Kings
TheTimeNow - clocks, timezones, calendars, weather, science, travel, calculators etc
Time and Date - world clock, time zone converter, sunrise, moon calculator, calendars, dialing codes etc
Today's Calendar and Clock Page - historical religious scientific astronomical etc
UK Parliament and MPs list + contact info
UK Phone Information - UK STD (telephone) codes
UK STD telephone codes - search by code or address
Units of Measurement - comprehensive worldwide units, tables & scales including historical
University of Texas map collection - good map site
Venik's Aviation - US aerospace and military resources site with historical analysis + extensive links
Vision Express, Basildon, Essex - opticians who gave me bad advice in order to sell unnecessary product
VLmp - WWW Virtual Library Museums page
Weather - worldwide weather conditions + forecasts (Yahoo)
Whirligig - 1950's British TV Nostalgia
The World Factbook - the CIA's excellent clean and comprehensive info on countries of the World
WWW Virtual Library - subject index
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leisure & lifestyle
Billericay Go Club - meets weekly in South Essex, beginners welcome
Classic Cafes - "The Very Best of London's Twentieth Century vintage Formica caffs"
Desk Exercises - which help to combat the strains of 16 hours a day on your computer
Driving On Line - Bill Lavender's popular site - tons of UK motoring stuff
Festival Eye - UK festival list, photos etc
go equipment - boards, stones and bowls for playing the game of baduk / wei qi (local)
Hoo Hill Maze - wonderful Golden Leylandii maze near Shefford (Bedfordshire, UK)
how bad are bananas? - the great carbon footprint game (based on the book by Mike Berners Lee)
I'm Sorry I haven't A Clue (ISIHAC) - the officially unofficial pages
Internet Juggling Database - news, info, videos database, articles, clubs etc
Jason Garfield - bad boy of world juggling, and WJF president
Juggling Information Service - international juggling links
Juggling.tv - 4000+ juggling videos
Just A Minute - Welcome to JAM - includes transcripts, episode & cast lists etc
La Fonda Pepe - pics of the legendary hippy hangout on Formentera (local)
The Leu Family's - Family Iron -- leading Swiss tattoo parlour - psychedelic, kanji, oriental, Tibetan, tribals etc
Living Glass Studio - traditional and contemporary stained glass - custom design and repairs
London Cigarette Card Company - long established, reliable resource for UK card collectors
Magforum.com - timeline of (mainly UK) magazine evolution
Magpie Eye - non-traditional wedding photography, and for families/children - Magpie Eye Kids
MAME - Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator - supports 1800 ROM games
Marvel Chronology Project - aims to catalog every appearance by every character in the Marvel Universe
Meditation - reference site for worldwide meditation techniques
Oddballs - leading UK juggling equipment & circus skills toys supplier
OpenSubtitles.org - multi-language subtitle database (subtitles for films)
Patrick Fullerton's Home Page - Superman, Batman, Laurel & Hardy, James Bond, The Diamonds and more
Pretty Little Stitches - lovely cross stitched pieces - lots of themes - nice, naughty, inspirational etc
Rave Flyers Database - zip file info on 25,000 flyers from approx 50 countries + links to collectors (local)
raveflyers.co.uk - for collectors looking to buy and sell UK rave flyers (local) - under construction
Resonance104.4fm - London's wide ranging first radio art station
Rules Central.com - covering sports, cards & boardgames - vid/fantasy/computing 'coming soon'
Sensei's Library - Wiki site for Go (Igo / Weiqi / Baduk) - the world's most popular board game
SSE Jukebox Page - Seeburg Q160 Renovation Day pics etc (local)
Subbiee - multi-language subtitle database (subtitles for films)
The Mayflower Morris Men of Billericay - performed excellently at the 2009 Norsey Wood Open Day
Time Out - Worldwide City Guides
The Global British Comedy Collaborative - British radio comedy past and present + drama, readings & nonfiction
TMRC - The Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT - great vids - origin of "hacker"
traditional presents for celebrations - birthstones & flowers, and wedding anniversaries (local)
Traveller Homes - huge collection of UK/Europe hippy travellers' buses & coaches, and festival pics
Urban 75 - UK ezine + mag + forums + photo stories & lots more
Yahoo Games Server - lots of online games - cards, chess, go etc
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links pages
Fergus Murray - graphics/geometry, news/politics, comedy, science, games programing, philosophy
Heather's home page - general selection, but nicely laid out
k-Page - Kevin Werbach - includes hotlist & web celebs
Morgana's Observatory - astrologically organised links to everything
Robert Anton Wilson - conspiracy, weird, bizarre, strange & sometimes funny
gizza link - as Yosser might say - various demands, pleas, requests, and offers to exchange (local)
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("Movement overcomes cold. Stillness overcomes heat." - Lao Tzu)
100 Poets against the war - downloadable from nthposition (needs Adobe)
A-Infos - a multi-lingual news service by, for, and about anarchists
Aboriginal Connections - indigenous peoples web directory
Active Remedy - Reforesting Earth's Mountains Environmental Development Yoga - photos + info
amnesty international - human rights
amnesty international UK - human rights
Andy Worthington - counter-cultural author - books on Stonehenge and the Battle of the Beanfield
Animal Liberation Front - international page + history
Ban Foie Gras - campaigning group to end this vile and cruel practice
Barbed Wire Britain - Network to End Migrant and Refugee Detention
Bhopal.Net - Union Carbide leak December 1984 - 20,000 killed - 150,000 left chronically ill
Block the Builders - campaign to stop the building of a new laser facility at AWE Aldermaston
Brian Haw - his continuous protest since 2001 outside Westminster against the illegal invasion of Iraq
BUAV - British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection
CAAT - Campaign Against the Arms Trade - opposing UK's role as major arms exporter
CAFT - Coalition to Abolish the Fur Trade (UK) - news, info, campaigns, demos etc
Centre for Defense Information - world military expenditures
Noam Chomsky Archive - influential contemporary radical thinker
Church of Non Shopping - Reverend Billy battling valiantly against Walmart, Starbucks etc
Climate Ark - news re climate change
CND - Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
Come!Unity Press - 1970's NYC gay anarchist free print shop - local
Cornerstone Resource Centre - housing coop / facilities for Leeds activists
Corporate Watch - + info from Ethical Consumer Research Association database
Critical Mass - anti-roads, pro-bicycles - international directory
current affairs - essays & writings on international issues and political events (local)
Dancing On The Grave of Capitalism - a London event that took place 31st October 2008
Debt Relief Now - campaign for the immediate cancelation of illigitimate debts across the globe
Defy-ID - resistance to increasing surveillance and identity or 'entitlement' cards in the UK
Diaries of Despair - the secret history of pig-to-primate organ transplants
Digger Archives - SF and others - includes text of "Ringolevio"
disinformation - calm analyses of paranoid realities
Dissent - a network of resistance against the G8
Docs Populi - Lincoln Cushing's poster archive (including Cuban and Chinese)
draft resistance - an interview with a Canadian draft dodger 35 years later (local)
Earth First! Headwaters Forest Direct Action Campaign - US direct action conservation
Earth First! in Britain - links to UK groups etc
The Earth Times - daily web newspaper
Earthships - natural housing from recycled materials
Eel Pie Island - commune pics + music memories (local)
EFF - Electronic Frontier Foundation - net freedom fighters
ETC Group - "Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration"
Ethical Consumer - UK analysis of social & environmental records of major companies
Ethical Junction - UK ethical directory of resources & services
Factory Watch - enter your postcode & find your local polluter - from FOE
facts about America - why people are scared of the USA (local)
Faslane Peace Camp - continuous peaceful blockade of the Trident base (Scotland)
FAWN - Farm Animal Welfare Network (previously Chickens Lib)
Fitwatch - UK resistance and monitoring of Forward Intelligence Policing
freeBeagles - legal info for UK activists
Freedom Press - anarchist bookshop (London UK)
Friends of the Earth - environmental campaigns
Gateway To Hell - campaign to stop primate exports for vivisection labs
Genetic Engineering Network - UK campaigning / coordinating anti-GE protest
Genetic ID - testing for genetically altered foods
genetiX snowball handbook - possess this & Monsanto injuncts u? (local)
GeneWatch UK - Ethics & risks of GE + news/info
Global Politics of Tobacco - critical analysis of the Global Tobacco Settlement
Globalise Resistance - UK + worldwide info of coming events
Green Batteries - good info on rechargeable Nickel Metal Hydride + recycling advice
The Green Providers Directory - UK resource for finding green, organic and fair trade products and services
GreenNet - environment peace & human rights links
Greenpeace International - environmental campaigns
Grosvenor Road Squat - Twickenham, 1972-1974 + "Cats Like Plain Crisps" pics + message board (local)
HFRA - organic gardening, farming and food
Hunt Saboteurs Association - the HSA is the leading UK activist anti-hunting protest group
Ink - project bringing together UK independent radical/alternative publishers
Insurgent Desire - The Online Green Anarchy Archive
IPA - Institute for Public Accuracy - news releases and articles
Iraq Body Count - Iraqi civilans reported killed by military intervention
Kate Evans - policial cartoons, including an explanation of the greenhouse effect
Krysstal - The Acts of the Democracies - from 1945 to the present - very thorough
League Against Cruel Sports - UK anti-bloodsports
Liberation Now - campaign to close down Newchurch Guinea Pig Farm
Lobster - Robin Ramsey's excellently researched UK parapolitics magazine
London Class War - multi-lingual news, events and downloads of latest issues of mag
Lovearth - to stop the Cassini Mission
McSpotlight - McDonalds (McLibel) + other multintaionals
The Meatrix - cartoon re agribusiness
National Pure Water Association - UK anti-fluoridation campaign
The Natural Death Centre - UK woodland burials, cheap funerals, living wills etc
NETCU Watch - monitoring the shady activities of the National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit
Networking Newsletter Project - activists coordinating group - Manchester (UK)
Mines and Communities - info to help communities affected by the impact of mining projects
Nuclear Crimes - Shell's illegal strontium 90 dumping cover-up
Nuclear Waste Trains - UK timetables
Ozymandias - Field Guide to Direct Action
Greg Palast - campaigning UK journalist
PATH - People's Action for Threatened Habitat - saving the Stoltmann Wilderness (Canada)
Peace News - the long established UK pacifist magazine
Petition Site - over 1000 of them - animals / environment / health / politics / Amnesty / media etc
Pig Business - opposing the factory farming of pigs in the UK
John Pilger - radical film-maker author and journalist
Polaris Institute - anti-globalisation news, including info on GATS, water and energy
Pork-Bolter - Worthing alternative newsletter site - all the local dirt
Prague International Anti-Nuclear Office -
projectcensored.org - news that didn't make the (US) news - including top 25 censored media stories
Protest.Net - worldwide events actions & campaigns calender
Raise The Fist! - international anarchist news + info + message boards
Reclaim The Streets (UK) - road protests & parties
Reporters Without Borders - press freedom worldwide + imprisoned reporters
Reprieve - fighting for the lives of people facing the death penalty and other human rights violations
Rhythms of Resistance - amazing drum band that plays at demos and direct actions
Rising Tide - movement against climate change
road protests archive - mainly uk camps + demos etc (local)
sans-titre - coordinates autonomous French collectives + news updates
SchNEWS archive - anti-CJA direct action - UK movement news (1994-2014)
School of the Americas Watch - the nastiest school in the world?
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - activist org with 2 sea-going vessels (marine mammals)
SHAC - Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty - international campaign news
SHARK - US animal cruelty investigation and campaigning group
SKAT - Skye Bridge Anti-Tolls campaign
smashEDO - opposing Brighton subsidiary of arms multinational EDM Corp
SPEAK - campaign against Oxford University's vivisection lab
spooks - spies, conspiracies, censorship & privacy (local)
Squall - UK activist zine - interviews & reports on current events
Squatting Archive - mainly UK / London -- late 60's on -- newsletters, memories, links, ALS minutes (local)
Statewatch - monitoring the state and civil liberties in the European Union
Stonehenge Campaign - UK cultural icon symbolising freedom from the State
Stop EU Chemical Tests - opposing European proposals to increase toxicity testing using animals
Stop The War Coalition - opposing the illegal US/UK invasion of Iraq
subvertise - archive of 100s of subverts, political art, cartoons and articles
Super Heroes Against Genetics - GE activism - news + info
Survival International - indigenous peoples (UK)
Tash's Festival & Travellin' Archive - & vast amounts of associated stuff - excellent resource (UK)
The Campfire - Tibetan Ukranian Mountain Troupe (TUMT) and friends message board
Third World Traveller - large archive focusing on US internal freedoms & foreign policy
Mark Thomas - vibrant unofficial site of UK's top direct action comic
TLIO - The Land Is Ours - land rights campaign for Britain
UK Recycling Database - excellent location-based search engine
Uncommon Sense - "The State is Out of Date" (Greg Sams) - perceptive analysis of modern society
Undercurrents - excellent UK movement video news network
United For Peace - a desparate attempt to prevent the insanity of an American invasion of Iraq
US Bombing Watch - chronological list of recent attacks
Vegan Society (UK) - news info publications events etc
Vegan Village - UK vegan business directory
War On Want - fighting poverty in developing counties
War Resisters International -
WaterWatch - UK network concerned with all water issues
West Yorkshire Hunt Saboteurs - UK anti-fox-hunting activist group
Wikileaks - leaked documents revealing unethical behavior in governments and institutions
Wombles - the notoriously cuddly English direct action group
ZeroZero Magazine - campaigns + movement news - articles + links (UK)
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All Music Guide - AMG's comprehensive guide to recorded music (all genres)
ANTpop - singer / songwriter / drummer / guitarist ANT (Anthony Harding)
The Archive - history and galleries of UK Rock and Free Festivals 1960-1990
Asymmetric Records - dj/producer Inigo Kennedy's techno label
Attrix Records - history + pics of Rick & Julie's legendary Brighton shop and label
JS Bach Homepage - biography, catalog of works, recommended recordings, links
Bach's Cantatas - recordings, discussions, bios of performers, mailing list
Dave's JS Bach Page - catalog of works, links, images, MIDIs, & audio clips
Ludig Van Beethoven - including list of works
Bessie Smith - Empress of the Blues - links + gravestone pic (local)
Big Bands Database - comprehensive info on N American & European bands and musicicans
Big Jim Sullivan - UK session
Billy Mahonie - popular London indie band
Blues Net - selection of bios + extensive bibliography database
bobdylan.com - all the albums, all the songs, all the lyrics
bobsboots.com - The Bob Dylan Bootleg Museum... mind-boggling!
Caned Unable - great acoustic/rock band from NW England + MP3s (local)
Central London Dance Stores - record shops - house/garage/techno/trance etc (local)
Chart Stats - UK singles & Albums chart archive going back to 1952
Charts All Over the World - links to 900 music charts pages
Chet Baker Lost And Found - jazz trumpeter and singer - includes bibliography, discography & newsletter
Chopin - complete piano repertoire - list by Opus Number
Chopin Society Warsaw - life, works, tradition (some non-working links - Jan 2002)
ChordFind.com - cute diagrams & sounds for a good selection of guitar chords
Chord House, Guitar Room (Easy) - & comprehensive advanced chord/scale finder
Classic Cat - directory of free downloads of classical mp3s
Classical Composers Database - info, news, book reviews etc
Classical Connect - streamed performances by independent classical musicians + interviews + upload facility
Classical Guitar Repertoire Guide - large number of links to downloadable sheet music
Classical Guitar Composers List - 1442 entries + 418 links - clean and fast
Classical Guitar Tablature - 3000 classical tabs (plain text format) + many MIDIs (local)
Classical MIDI Connection - large collection of MIDIs - clean & fast
Classical Net - excellent resource for classical music info
Classical Notes - recommended recordings & reviews, discographies, earliest recordings etc
Conspiracy of Equal Temperament - the physics of music - article by Michael Rubinstein
Cowboy Lyrics - vast quantity of country lyrics, chords and tabs
Classical Guitar Library - downloadable sheet music (approx 5000 pieces, pdf format)
+David W Solomons - guitarist, countenor, composer and arranger based in Manchester (England)
Del-Fi Records - Bob Keane's classic 50's r'n'r label (Ritchie Valens, Bobby Fuller Four etc)
Delcamp.net - multi-lingual comprehensive guitar site - tab sheet mp3s forums
Desert Banjo Pages - Bluegrass MP3s
Discogs - huge music database (vinyl/tape/cd) + buying a& selling
Dolmetcsh - musical dictionary + symbols + theory
Dr Koh's Guitar Sarang - excellent guitar site, now back up again
DW3 Classical Music Resources - vast number of high quality well-organised links
Encyclopaedia Metallicum - high quality info on 60,000+ metal bands
Epping Forest Pipe Band - did us proud at our 2004 Noak Bridge Autumn Fayre
eRIC's Blues Dates - Blues World's list of births & deaths of blues musicians
folktrax - large searchable UK, Ireland & international folk archive - based on work of Peter Kennedy
GetMusic.com - vast resource - all styles
Gitarren Ensemble Graz - extensive classical guitar links pages
Glenn Gould - outstanding 20th century Bach pianist
Davey Graham (Davy Graham) - the first UK folk-blues guitarist, still playing - vinyl discography
Guide To Art Schools - useful links to a range of classical music resources
Guitar Tunings - many variations, who they're used by, and example chords
Hamed Kane - Bayefall music - Senegalese Sufi drumming and chanting (local)
Here & Now - legendary UK free festival band, BeHereNow, & current drummer Steve Cassidy's Fluid Grooves
Hyperreal - the definitive rave music site
Illegal Stations - comprehensive list of uk pirate radio frequencies
Inigo Kennedy - UK techno dj/producer - audio, events, releases, charts, flyers + paintings
Internet Archive (Wayback Machine) - collection of 78s for download (mp3 format)
John Renbourn - influential English folk-blues guitarist
Michel Dalle Ave - original guitar compositions
MIDI World - excellent resource for MIDI files
More Music - 2nd hand records & CDs + resources - UK & worldwide record shops & collecting info
Mudcat Café - 9K folk/blues songs + huge forum - eg Les Cousins & Doris Henderson - folk info, past & present
MusicStack - 2nd hand vinyl records and cds from 35,000 online stores
Names of Keys/Notes - in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish (Yale Music Cataloging)
Nice Sounds Records - online dance music store - Drum and Bass, Dubstep, Jungle etc
Norbert Neunzling - classical guitar teacher and performer (German)
Noteworthy Composer - + MIDI player
Overground Records - punk rock, anarcho punk and proto punk reissues
Perso Flamenco & Classic - directory of free scores/mp3s/videos for flamenco & classical guitar + store
Physics of Sound - article by Richard Ebbs + Table Of Equitempered Scale Frequencies
Pianopedia - seach engine for classical piano compositions
DJ Rascall at MySpace - Southend (Cultural Vibes) and Basildon (Soundzone/Rascall's Records)
Related Tuning and Timbre - the physics of music - article by William A Sethares
Res Rocket Surfer - online music jams
Rich T and The Biscuits - good time North London 1940s/50s rock 'n' roll / rhythm 'n' blues band
Ritchie Valens - official site of the singer/songwriter/guitarist who died in '59 plane crash
Roding Music - Francis Roads' authoratative West Gallery Church Music site
Rory's open mic - at The Waterhole, "The best live music bar in Amsterdam"
Salli Terri - discography + some info (local)
Second Hand Songs - who did the original? who covered it? 11,900 originals, 33,600 covers, 17,700 artists
Shawn Persinger Is Prester John - US guitarist / singer / songwriter (previously with Boud Deun)
SHOUTcast - several hundred online audio servers + streaming software
Solaris Records - resource for independent artists wanting to sell their CDs online
Sorted - quality London techno/trance site
Spindrift Music Thesaurus - comprehensive cross-reference of non-English terms
Spotify - free music program (UK + some other countries), superfast search, huge archive, near instant streaming
Stones Throw Records - funk & soul & rap & breakbeats from contemporary LA label
Vinyl On The Net - punk records - also new wave, mod ska, indie, industrial, psychobilly, gothic, grunge etc
Weimer's Index of Composers - comprehensice list + a suggested MIDI naming convention
Why 12 notes to the Octave? - the physics of music - article by Michael Rubinstein
Women Composers - early music & ragtime - MIDI compilation by Sarah L Whitworth
Woody Guthrie - correpondence with the Archive of American Folk Song 1940-1950 (LOC archive)
Yngwie Malmsteen - official website + fan club
Yngwie Malmsteen - good Yngwie page + links ("1,000 Great Guitar Sites" page)
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net & computing
ADSLGuide - UK Broadband Speed Test
Andys Explorer Logos - replace your MSIE logo + animated cursors + anim gifs
Anfy Java - excellent selection of java
applets providing lovely images
Annoyances.org - articles and forum covering solutions and tweaks for all types of Windows problems
anti-spyware links - links to free downloads and info (local)
Astalavista - crackz search engine + links
attrition.org - defaced sites, crypto archives, security tutorials, gallery etc
AVG - free anti-virus program
Barebones - Kevin Werbach's
guide to HTML
BTInternet defrauds customers - BBC expose of leading UK ISP (local)
Codec Pack Guide - free downloads + other P2P programs
Commodore VIC-20 Tape Preservation Project - tapes list + downloads, forum ("Denial)" and pics
Cookie Central - the unofficial cookie FAQ
CSE HTML Validator - free download
CuteFTP - from GlobalSCAPE
distributed.net - "The Largest Computer on Earth"
DNS Stuff - IP lookup etc + access to spam databases etc
DomainCrawler - IP lookup + page rank + back links
Dream Catchers CGI
Scripts - anim gifs banner rotation
DVD Demystified - tech info on DVD, UltraViolet & Blu-ray + DVD FAQ
email petitions - why they are spam (local)
eMule Project - p2p resource - this alone justifies the internet
ErrorDocument Codes - from 100-505
Extropia - (was Selena Sol) - open
source CGI scripts + SSI info
FCC - US comms equipment lookup (radio/tv/wire/satellite/cable)
FileForum - latest software downloads (including betas)
File Sharing Applications - Wikipedia comparison chart of P2P programs
file types list - from cryer.co.uk web resources
FOLDOC - Free OnLine Dictionary Of Computing
Free Site - lots of free facilities, games and programs
FreeCode - large number of CGI scripts with good search facilities
FreeNet - anonymous sharing of info over the net - under development
Graphics Workshop - excellent utility prog from Alchemy Mindworks
Hacker's Dictionary - slang folklore jargon humour
HijackThis - aid to trojan detection + Tom Coyote's Support forum
Htaccess Disable Hotlinking Code Generator - for Unix web servers with mod_ rewrite
HTML.com - clear and comprehensive HTML & CSS tutorials
Hushmail - secure email
ICQ - Mirabilis chat/message program
InnoculateIT - free online anti-virus prog from Computer Associates
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers -
internet country codes - + capitals & telephone codes
Internet Query Tools - tracing DNS info
Internet FAQ archive - all the FAQs
Internet Traffic Report - hourly records for countries & major servers
JR Directory Printer - lists directory contents to a text file
L-Soft - CataList, the official catalog of LISTSERV lists
lmgtfy - "let me google that for you" -- useful tool for dealing with with needy noobs
Lynx Viewer - online facility to see what pages look like in Lynx
mailbigfile.com - free web based facility for uploading/downloading files up to 1GB
Mappings from Filename Suffixes to MIME types - Gareth Owen's list (local)
Matt's Script Archive - classic site for free CGI scripts - nms - updates with bug fixes etc
Media Players - in depth comparison of more than 70 audio/visual programs
MEGA - excellent new file-sharing site (started in January 2013 by Kim Dotcom)
Meta Tags Info - part of excellent Vancouver Webpages resources
Minova - large non-adult torrent search engine and directory
mpesch3's audio tools - MP3 splitter for editing large mpeg files
My Thoughts on Second Life - why it's not bgger than Facebook (local)
Netcraft - looks up operating systems used by web server
NetMechanic - online gif & jpg file size reduction with GIFBot
Network-Tools.com - email address verification, Ping, Lookup, Trace, Xwhois, DNS records etc
Paj's Home - useful links and articles on VRML, cryptography etc
PCI Vendor and Device Lists - comprehensive search facility for identifying PCI Device IDs
PGP International - for downloads to countries outside the USA
Pronom - catalog of file formats and the programs that read them
Quicker Wit - UK software & hardware directory (from 1989 to the present)
Realm Graphics (Ender Design) - backgrounds
RN - 1-4A Rename - excellent batch file renamer (for Windows)
rtfm - the definitive "howto" page
RuTracker - the new Demonoid - private tracker without ratios (Russian)
Scanning Tips - Wayne Fulton's excellent comprehensive intro to using scanner software
Scanning - Ron Horii's Tech Pages - general scanner info + lots of links
Screw-PayPal.com - help and advice for all those who've been messed up by PayPal
Slyck - file sharing news, info, guides and forums
search engines & directories list - also submissions advice + general info (local)
Search Engine Robots - John Fotheringham's megalist + link checkers, validators, offline browsers and other agents
SendThisFile - free temporary filehosting facility (3 days, 3 downloads, unlimited file size 500MB)
Smileys - a first-hand account of their origin by Scott E Fahlman (local)
Spamhole.com - temporary email forwarding facility (to avoid subsequent spam)
Spectrum Magic - emulators, games and links
SysOpt.com - hardware user reviews
Sysinfo.org - Windows CLSID list + Pacman's list of system startup entries (processes)
The Pirate Bay (TPB) - notorious torrent search engine (bought out August 2009?)
TinyApps - small software packages for the PC - lots of useful utilities
TinyURL.com - excellent online utility for reducing long web addresses to approx 25 characters
TPC FAX - free fax sending via email or web form
Trend Micro - reliable free online virus scan + removal
Tucows - freeware, shareware, software for Win/Mac/Linux
UK Web Archive - British Library searchable archive, from 2004
Unix for newbies - a useful intro
Usenet FAQs (MIT) -
Validator - at W3C - by URL or file upload
VICE - Commodore emulator
Virus Warnings - what to do - list of sites re viruses & hoaxes (local)
W3C - World Wide Web Consortium, home of web creator Tim Berners-Lee - 2003 RS lecture
W3Schools - large selection of free web building tutorials + forum
Wayback Machine - archiving the web since 1996
WCWCW Look Up - IP numbers to addresses + domain info
Web Robots Pages - FAQ, robots database, robot exclusion etc
WebRing - info + links for 1700 web-rings
WhatIsMyIP - the neatest way of finding your IP
Whois Report - advanced domain name search engine - but only .com .net .org .info .biz .us
Whois Source - wildcard IP lookup + multi-domain name reverse search + deleted/expired domains
WinZip - the standard net de/compression software
Wired News - net news
Wotsit's Format - in depth info on file formats and data formats
WS_FTP - from Ipswitch
Xenu - excellent links checker
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personal / friends
Alan Mills - internet, painting, mountaineering - RIP 2003 [archive]
Ben Palmer - Immoral Minority - metal / punk / hardcore band - 2013 album "I Hate It here" [archive]
Chris Faiers - Eel Pie Dharma - other haibun and haiku
Chris Selwyn-Smith - photo gallery
Dean Mulroy - Solas Art - the art of mandala meditation - gallery (local)
Francis Roads - personal, and West Gallery music site Roding Music
Frank Perkins - portrait artist (paintings & drawings) and classical guitar (teacher & performer) - YouTube channel
George's Art - paintings and sculptures
Hallie Swift - A Swift Current - Letting Our Parents Go - a blog on loss, elderly parents and Alzheimer's Disease
Hamed Kane - Senegalese Sufi chanting/drumming (local)
Helles Textil - hand designed clothes from Sweden by Helle Frederiksen with organic cotton and hemp, + shop, Fiber Fin
Horse - MOQ - Metaphysics Of Quality, a Robert M Pirsig forum + music from Atavistic Mystic (electro/techno/trance)
Ian - Perodonde.org - the village of Peroblasco in Rioja (Spain) with annual festival
Jane - family band SubStation (MySpace)
Jane Gallion (Chalis) - (poetry, novels, 60s counter-culture) - RIP 2003
Jeff Colhoun - Doon of May - ancient monument in woodland and wetlands bordering Mochrum Loch (SW Scotland)
John Kenton - some music, a few pics, more to come?
Kay McLaurin - Hackney Forge - gallery / photographic studio / rehearsal space - Bethnal Green, London
Keith & Jackie - Brits in Bulgaria - a forum for English people living in Bulgaria
Ken Elmes - Twickenham Cox & Elmes Families, The thoughts of a lifelong Socialist, ex-President of The Twickenham Club
Ken James - Strathclyde Computers & Lapis IT Support
Lindi - taystar.com - music, animations and a monthly diary of thoughts, travels, investigations and photos
Mo - memories of when Rami had 4 legs (local)
Olivia Seck - holistic coaching, inspiring wisdom and gentle fear & trauma release for women
Oniscoid - weed's blog (past "thoughts of the day")
Riot Ink - Tony Wright ("Riot") - original caricatures, illustrations & comic art from the late 70s to the present
Roger Brown - Fastland Design Consultants - R&D, product development, and maunfacturing support
Siobhan - leaving Venus (local)
Sol - Ziptop - developers of classic SWP Pub Quiz games
Stephen - R.A.D. - mechanised transport accessories (local)
St Norbert's School, Crowle, Lincolnshire - 1950's class photos (local)
Steve Allin - HempHab - building with hemp products + consultancy & design (Ireland)
Steve - Steven Bird - Integrative Counsellor - counselling and psychotherapy - R.I.P. 2024
Tin Chicken - MIDIs, poems quotes photos and memories (some sad, some happy) [archive]
Wuff - Charles Wesley, Frank Zappa, Eek, MAD vs the FBI, beautiful garden photos, cartoons, recipes & more [archive]
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pictures & art & computer graphics
1960 PC Users Group - computer graphics info - file formats etc
Abstractarium - 'The Psychodelic Concept' - remains of the Lysergic Labs site
Art Crimes - world's top gallery of city graffiti
Art History Resources On the Web -
Artcyclopedia - fine art search engine
ArtMagick - gallery of Symbolist, Pre-Raphaelite and Art Nouveau paintings
Ashleigh Brilliant - designer of 10,000 wonderful 'Pot-Shot' post cards
Banksy - street art, paintings, drawings, film
boxkite - collection of artists works, including Henry Warburton, Manuel Güell & Teresa Teran
British Pathe - 3,500 hrs of video + 12M still images 1896-1970
London Class War - a selection of front covers from 1984-1987 (local)
Dave's Graphics Page - some ray-tracing + a few fractals
Fergus Murray - photography, sculpture, geometrical patterns and interactive animations
fontastic - great fonts page
Fractint - the magnificent fractal generating program
Getty Images - contains Hulton Archive + much more + film clips
Indecent Images - Alchemy's Pre-Raphelite gallery
International Directory of Art Libraries - search engine with details of 3000 libraries & depts
Iris Boter - Dutch artist's illustrations and animated cartoons
Jiri Keller - Portrait Artist - paintings gallery of London based Czech painter of people and landscapes
John Ezra Herold - porcelain and stoneware - lovely gallery
Mandelbulb Gallery - 3D mandelbrot zooms + full size image
Mark Harden's Artchive - comprehensive archive of artists and galleries
Mickey Myers - pastel paintings inspired by the Vermont landscape
Mohammed Image Archive - over 100 images from Western and Islamic art going back to the C14th
National Geographic Image Collection - 000s of pics
Panoramas.dk- 360-degree panoramas (space, protests, festivals etc) and virtual tours
punk zines - punk & post-punk fanzine covers 1980-1986 (local)
seascapes - paintings by Emil A Krause, Edith Rushworth, & Odilon Redon (local)
Solas Art - beautiful contemporary crystal rock shell mandalas for meditation
Start 3D - online facility for creating 3D photos
Universoulightforms - lovely Visual Arts Laboratory - moving images of psychedelic mandalas
Visual Collections - access to cartography, fine arts, photography, architecture collections
weed's fractal gallery - brots, phoenixes, newtons etc (local)
World Wide Arts Resources -
Xusenet archive - binaries newsgroups library - daily download limits
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science & health & nature
Andrei Linde - inflationary cosmology - self-generating fractal / chaotic inflation
Arkive.org - huge database of info on animal and plant species + pics and vids
avibase - bird database - info on 10,000 species, 22,000 sub-species
BBC Sci/Tech - scientific/technical news
British Trust for Ornithology - investigates movements & ecology of UK birds - coordinates surveys
CALResCo - Complexity & Artificial Life Research Concept for Self-Organizing Systems
Colin Brodie - South Essex wildlife photo gallery
David Element's Wildlife Web Pages - excellent (mainly UK) photos, let down by horrific site navigation
Engines of Our Ingenuity - text of nearly 2000 radio programs on human creativity by John Lienhard
frozen shoulder - a gentle method of pain relief which doesn't hurt and doesn't cost (local)
Genetic Engineering - "A Few Upsides And A Whole Heap Of Downsides" - essay by Ricard Ebbs
GIMPS - Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search - distributed processing project
Gordon Pask - In Memoriam - cybernetician extraordinaire
Horticopia - house/graden plants info
How Stuff Works - US Q&A science/technology - wide range of easy to understand articles
Human Genome Project - official information page
INDEX HERB.COM - herbal index
King Of Green - my local hydroponics shop
LANL - Los Alamos National Laboratory
LiveScience - US based non-specialist science, health & technology news site
Mars Quest - latest Rover images + virtual flight over planet's surface
Mirek's Cellebration - 1D and 2D Cellular Automata explorer
NASA - home page - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA - Mars Pathfinder Mission - links to audio/video mirror sites
NASA - photo gallery - including the NASA image exchange
NASA - search terms - links to most popular pages
Natural History Museum - London (UK)
Natural Radioactivity - lots of info + article on the natural nuclear reactor discovered at Oklo in 1972
nature1.org - herbal index
Near Earth Object Program - NASA's page of upcoming close approaches
New Scientist - authoratitive weekly UK science mag
New Scientist - The Last Word - 600 simple but baffling questions & answers from New Scientist readers
Noak Bridge Nature Reserve - England, UK - 20 acre conservation area in SE Essex (local)
Number Server - returns sine, cosine, tangent, square, cube, square root, log etc
OEIS - The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
PubMed - searchable database of 11M MedLine citations + PubMed Central - journal articles
Respect Phoneline - helpline, info & support for perpetrators of domestic violence
Scientific American - leading US monthly science mag
Scirus - excellent science-specific search engine
science.gov - US Government science portal
SETI@home - use your screensaver to search for extraterrestrials
Sky at a Glance - daily events + weekly planet roundup
Women's Aid - UK national charity working to end domestic violence against women and children
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words, language, thought & culture
Absurd Theatre - Martin Esslin intro to Penguin Plays book (local)
Acronym Finder - 250,000 acronyms and abbreviations - fast and efficient
Acronyma - choice of languages + reverse look-up
AK Press - Scottish radical bookshop + mags pamphlets & journals
Aldous Huxley - Somaweb - biography, bibliography, message-board, links
American Poems - 8000 poems from 200 poets (+ bios)
Angry Young Men and British New Wave Films FAQ - brief but useful introduction
Bartlett's Familiar Quotations - + Roget, Fowler, Frazer, King James etc
Beat Chapter - music mags, comics, underground publications & much more
BeatBooks - excellent source for '50s-'90s alt books & mags - great catalogs & service
Bing Translator - excellent online translation resource
BLPC - British Library Public Catalogue
British Poetry 1780-1910 - University of Virginia archive
Chris Faiers - "Eel Pie Dharma - a memoir / haibun", if Basho had been a hippie + Cricket Formations, haiku (local)
Conlangs - information of 500+ artifically constructed model languages, from 353 to Zyem
Deep Underground Poetry Community - read and publish edgy, dark and dirty poems
Dharma Beat - a comprehensive Kerouac site + back issues of magazine
Dictionary.com & Thesaourus.com - fast multi-source dictionary (including medical & biblical refs) + Roget's Thesaurus
Gerry Carlin - wide-ranging C20th culture course materials including excellent 60s pages
Glossarist.com - 4577 glossaries, 130 categories
Internet Text Archive - major online collections (various sources)
InterTran - free online translation facility
Iran Chamber Society - cultural events, music, visual arts, cinema, language, literature, fonts, museums & more
Jahsonic - alternative/underground/mainstream/erotic culture - books/cinema/music/art
James Saunders - C20th English playwright + "Squat" (previously unpublished) + "The Pedagogue" (audio download)
Jane Gallion (Chalis) - stories + "vers libre", from "love in ascii" (poems) (local)
John Cooper Clarke - Salford-born punk poet - news, gigs, poems, discography
John Harris - storyteller and author based in Essex, UK - story telling and drama workshops for children
L-Shaped Web - Terry Pratchett / Discworld - FAQ, annotations, biography etc
Latinovivo - excellent links to online translations of Latin and Greek classical texts
London Theatre Guide Online - also extensive discography of UK & US cast recordings
Loompanics - US bookseller - controversial and unusual books
Marguerite Porete - wrote "The Mirror of Simple Souls", burnt at the stake 1310
MOQ - Metaphysics of Quality - Robert M Pirsig's philosophy as set forth in ZMM and "Lila"
Merriam-Webster OnLine - dictionary + thesaurus + audio pronunciation
NebulaSearch Encyclopedia - alphabetic listing with links to relevant sites
Noa Kleinman - poems & s/f stories (local)
OneLook Dictionaries - 4,291,527 words in 764 dictionaries indexed
Online Etymology Dictionary - excellent - also some interesting historical articles
Oxford English Dictionary - still not free, but "word of the day" worth checking
OZ magazine - covers from issues 1-48 of the UK's best known underground mag, 1967-73 (local)
Poets' Corner - 6725 poems by 780 poets
Project Gutenberg - 10,000 of the world's classic books and articles available as ebooks
Radio Plays & Drama - part of Alison and Nigel Deacon's extensive Diversity site
Representative Poetry On-line - 2000+ English poems by more than 300 poets
Richard Ebbs - excellent essays on Monsters and Angels
Robert Graves - bibliography, links, essays, audio, journal
SDL - free translation service (text and web pages
Shakespeare - the Oxford Shakespeare from Bartleby (searchable)
Shakespeare - Complete Works - based on electronic Moby edition
Shakespeare's Sonnets - text, notes & analysis + sonnets by other Elizabethan poets
SparkNotes - free online study guides on literature and many other subjects
SpiritWeb - WWW Virtual Library site for spirituality
Strange & Unusual Dictionaries - including "The White Queen's Dictionary of One Letter Words"
Tao Te Ching (Lao Tzu) - a comparison of translations (local)
Translatum - Greek/English translation, foreign language dictionaries, Greek texts, Greek fonts, many links
Trevor Leggett Books - Upanishadic Yoga, Zen, Budo + story of the month
Universal Declaration of Human Rights -
Urban Dictionary - indispensible guide to the latest slang
Vahid Norouzalibeik - literature, criticism, essays, translations - Theatre of the Absurd, Greek Masters
Verbix - online verb conjugator in 100+ languages
Weed's anthology - favourite poems (local)
WorldWideWeb Acronym and Abreviation Server -
Zhongwen.com - Chinese characters and culture - magnificent resource
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comments to weed@wussu.com
revised 28 February 2028
URL http://www.wussu.com/various/links.html